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(A/N: I. am. sorry. I realized that Teresa came before Ben, but I am human! I will make a mistake, one day i might edit it to where it is factually correct, maybe not. so just hang on with me. Also for those of you how don't know Newt is now in Pink eyes so go cheek that out!!)

Any other day in the glade. Normal. Boys about after the wake-up call and hustled faces in line for food. You found yourself among the crowd of three people. Clint, Seth, and yourself. Seth was a slicer. And thank god Clint took the morning shift with you or else you wouldn't know what to do.

"Tell me again." You placed your finger on your lip and cradled your chin with your thumb. "Tell me what you did again." Pushed to gather eyebrows and lips that over lapped with worry.

Clint stood closely next to you. Buff arms crossed and a cool poker-face he played always.

Seth held a red cloth with bits of white closely to his upper leg. Watered eyes and chapped lips was his look. Black hair covered the frame of his square face. "Look I'm sorry." Embarrassment laced his voice and sounded as if he could cry at a moments notice.

He stabbed himself while trying to skin a cow. While it was on a meat hook he stabbed down to split it stomach. He did that but with the momentum stabbed his thigh.

He waddled in this morning shortly after to explain what happened.

You turned to Clint and spoke with urgency.

"Stitches, I'd say 7 from the looks." You told him.

"He might have cut the artier in his leg, he's still bleeding." Clint told you.

With no time to waist Clint told you to stay here and prep while he got a builder and Jeff. Seth looked worried for his life. He hadn't the slightest Idea what was happening. "Wh-whats going on?" He asked.

"Nothing, we just need to close your gap, that all." You gave a sweet smile in hopes it would calm him down.

Clint had told you in times like this, remain calm and try to make it look like it's nothing so they don't freak out.

"Sit on here for me." You pointed to the bed and you reached for cabinet items. You handed him two pills and a glass of water. "Drink this." You said quickly before going back to work. You got him to lay down and Jeff came in.

"Sorry I was getting food." He said as he got to work too, knowing what was happening. He put a bag of ice over the huge cut and Clint walked in with Gally, who looked confused.

Clint and Jeff was busy prepping and you pulled Gally aside. "Do you know whats happening?" You asked him.

"No, Clint saw me and took me here. All he said was that it was important."

"Okay well Seth needs stitches, and we need you to hold him down while Jeff, Clint and I work."

"Wh-why?" He looked a little scared for Seth.

"Were trying to numb him right now but he still is going to feel the pain, if he moves we might be in trouble."

"What are you going to do to him?"

"To put it simply were going to sow his leg shut." You crossed you arms and looked over at Seth, and felt sad for him.

"(y/n), were ready." Clint to you.

You walked over.Clint held at Seth's shoulders and Gally held his legs. You and Jeff and put on gloves and were ready to begin.

"Okay Seth I need you to take a deep breath and count down from twenty, can you do that for me?" You asked as you took the ice off.

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