Remember last night?

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N/A: Thank you guys so much for the unbelievable support! 6K READS?! I feel like this is a dream. Also this is really late~ sorry

~In the WICKED headquarters~

"Oooohhhhh!" They cringed and watched you fall from the tree and hit the ground. Some laughed and sighed then started passing around money as most thought that you would fall. Ava just watched penitently but was called over by a worker.

"Yes what is it?" She asked and he pointed to the screen to show your brain activity.

"Her chip broke. She has back all her memories." He looked gravely.

"A-all the memories?" She was well pasted supersized.

"Yes. Even the ones before WICKED."

~Back in the Glade~

You were getting back together quiet nicely. Everyone was nice and swung by the say hello and welcome back. But you felt quiet the burden on your shoulders. Not only did you now remember the past few months you spent in the Glade but but past few years of your life. You decided to keep your mouth shut.

You couldn't tell the boys of what you knew. They wouldn't be able to handle it. You decided to take a walk. You walked into the woods. Your hands grazed over the bushes and tree bark. You saw her sitting their. You decided not to call out but to watch.

Her body swayed back and forth as she rocked herself. her hair was like a Ravens, dark and free. From the little glimpses you cough for her skin was cold and pale like snow and reflected the light in the sun patches.

"You can sit with me." She spoke. She whipped around to show her electric blue eyes. And like she never said anything, looked forward again.

You felt a chill run down your back. You took a seat next to her. She rolled her head back and let the features soak up the sun. You wanted to say something, but everything you practiced in your head sounded awkward. 'Hi, i watched you while you were asleep.'

"So, you're (y/n)." She didn't bother to look at you, only unwind in the warmth of the sun.

"O-oh yeah. It's ah... nice to meet you." You smiled and gave out your hand.

She rolled her head over to you, made brief eye contact then looked down at your hand. She smiled a laugh and shook it, then went back to sun. "I'm Teresa. It's good to finally meet you."


"I've heard a lot about you, you know?"

You felt suddenly embarrassed. "Oh."

"Don't worry, he said only good things."

He. You thought, then it clicked. Thomas talked about me.

You guys talked for a while. About the Glade, about the Glades and then about the note, both of you didn't really know what to make of it but you both knew the end was fast approaching. You told her it was time for you to leave for your job. She insisted on staying put but did wish a good bye.

You're day went bye slowly, but in a nice way. First you had hung out with Jeff and Clint, and to say the least you missed them. Jeff and a playful and funny way to him and Clint watched over you two like a mother watched her children. When ever he did decide to put in his two cents it would typically send roars of laughter threw both of you.

Then you got to make lunch with Frypan, which was nice and made you feel nostalgic. He tried to keep you up-to-date with all the gossip, most of it was about Thomas and Teresa. After that you went to go see...


"Hey." You walked up to him. He quickly looked at you, turning his attention away from the garden.

"O-oh. Hey (y/n)." He took off his gloves and dusted his hands off. "I was actually was meaning to find you."

"Really? Then lucky that I came." You smiled and pushed some (h/c) hair out of your face. "What is it?"

Newt felt a wave of embarrassment, what he wanted to talk about wasn't a very appropriate topic for public. "How about we walk and talk." He quickly suggested, you agreed and followed his lead.

"So... what do you remember about last night?" He tried to avoid eye contact with you and walked forward.

"Well... um... you came over to me with a few drink and we talked for bit, well, you talked for bit." You laughed a bit.

"What else?" He asked nervously.

You were now figuring out what he was asking. You couldn't help but bursting out laughing. You stopped walk and whipped a few tears from your eyes. "Oh Newt, you are too funny." You laughed some more but he didn't share the same humor as you at the moment.

His ears grew pink and his face warmed up. "Wh-what?" You took deep breathed to try and slow your laughter. "D-do you remember?"

His embarrassment further sent you into laughter. "You are too cute." You rolled your head back. "See you on the flipped side." You kissed his cheek and left, leaving him even more embarrassed.


No one had gone back into the maze since you were abducted apparently. That should mean Minho was lurking around here somewhere. You figured he'd come to you if you walked around a bit.

"Have you seen Minho?" You asked Zart.

He was hunched over working in the garden and looked up at you. He raised an eyebrow and pointed behind you, you turned and saw the muscular Asian.

"Speak of the devil and he will appear." You smiled delightfully.

He smiled back, well not a smile, more like a smirk. "What can I do for you?" That's what he said at least. Rather he was thinking 'What can I do to you?'

"You grant wishes now?" You waved to Zart and thanked him then walked with Minho around the field.

Minho always had a dirty mind but it was now being put to good use. "Now? Don't sell me short (y/n), I've always have." 

You laughed amused. "Is that so?" You stopped walking and sat down in the grass. "To day is hot." You said with a huff.

"It is as hot as it was yesterday and the day before." He said smugly and sat with you.

"Maybe its just me then?" You laughed at your own joke. 

"So why did you want to come see me?"

You sighed then laid down in the grass and shut you're eyes like you were going to drift into a peaceful sleep. "I've forgotten." You peaked one eye open and looked up at him. "I suppose it might have to do with looking at you're stupid hair." You giggled softly and brought your hand up to his face.

He grabbed your hand with his. "You have really tiny hands."

"Thanks for the accurate observation." You said sarcastically and freed yourself from his grasp. You then started to lace you're fingers around his face.

"Can I ask a question?" You asked you and pawed your hand away from his face.

"Yes." You brought your hand up to his face again.

"So you remember everything, right?" He gave up and let your hand stay of his face.

"Yes." You said sharply. "Everything. Every little tiny bit and second." You traced his features with your finger.

"Everything? Like, even last night?"

You smiled and watched his face blush. "You mean the party? Yeah, it was fun."

"No, do you know what happened after the party?" You felt even more ashamed having to say it out loud.

"Oh." You said sarcastically.

"(Y/n)." You turned your head and saw Jeff. "We need you real quick."

You got up and dusted off your legs. "Cool," You called back to him. "Catch you latter." You winked at the runner and skipped away leaving him confused.

A/N:  Yeet yeet~ Gally and Thomas will do their confession latter, so catch you all later, bye babe~

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