Wait! Stay.

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A/N: Almost 4k reads. wow.... i'm in pressed. So I've been working on this a little over a year now so color me surprised. Stuff and butts now read

Everything was dark. Even the air that swamped around you seemed thick and heavy. You took in deep breaths and heaved up against fence wall. Your body was sticky but you thought it was far from your worst problem. 

"H-hello?" You meekly called out. Your voice sounded more scared than you thought.

Lights flashed by again and again and made you dizzy. You tried standing up and leaned against the wall for support. The room stopped and you feel down. You picked yourself up from the ground and noticed your arm was bleeding. "Ow." You cried softly.

You cradled yourself into a corner. A line of light split threw the darkness and became bigger. It hurt your eyes and you pushed your face deeper into knees. 

Noises crowed your thoughts and new voices clattered and clanged.

"(y/n)?" One of them said louder than the rest.

You looked up at him. You wondered who (y/n) was.

He jumped down into the box with you and went towards you. You felt a shock of horror go threw you as he came closer. And he seemed to notice. You tried backing up more against the wall and he looked sad.

"Oh (y/n). What have they done to you." He seemed depressed and looked at you like some sort of kicked dog .  

"Newt, what going on down there?" A new voice yelled.

You never felt more scared in your life. But you don't remember your life you realized and made you more scared.

"Gally, I don't think she remembers us." Newt said back to him.

A much more muscular boy jumped down.

"(y/n) it's us!" He almost yelled at you. He saw your sacred body and felt angry. "I'm going to kill them." He grutned to himself.

"Beating up Thomas and Minho won't help." He looked at the blonde then back down at you. "It's only going to scare her more."

Your hands trembled as you kept them close your yourself. You tried connecting clues. Did Thomas and Minho do this to me? Who ever them might be. Why do they know me? Why are they calling me (y/n). Where am I?

Newt bent down next to you. "Can you tell me your name?" He said soothingly.

You only looked at him in horror. He feared that WICKED took our voice, you thought if you didn't talk something good might happen.

"You'll remember it in a few days. Now lets get you out of here." He helped you out of the box and looked around. It seemed like a broken down campsite. Everyone looked at you. You wanted to scream for help but nothing came out. You were lead into a huge hut with a few other boys.

"Now that we're all here." Newt spoke. "We can start this meeting."

You sat in a makeshift chair and was circled by boys holding poles.

Your eyes flicked around trying to focus on something.

"What are we going to do?" Clint said.

"What do you mean 'What are we going to do'? We're gonna get her memories back." Gally spat.

"Great idea Gally! How should we go about that?" Minho said in a ocking and childish tone.

"You're the one who got us into this mess, slinthead!" Gally yelled back back at him.

"Stop it you two!" Winston barked at the two. "The only thing you're doing is scaring her."

Everyone looked at you, naturally you were scared.

"Can you speak?" Frypan asked you. "Do you need something? I can get you food. I remember all of your favorite foods." He said proudly.

"That's a good idea!" Newt said. "Maybe if we give her things, we can trigger memories!"

A few hours later you sat in a field of gifts. Most of which were flower crowns that confused you to no extent. Somewhere far off Newt yelled at another kid.

"Jeff you are her best friend! If anyone can get her to talk it's you!"

"You stupider than klunk if you think I can make her talk. She's scared, we keep calling her (y/n) when she doesn't even know that that's her! Her stitches are falling apart and it's putting her in pain! We are drowning her with flowers and she doesn't even know what it means! Leave her alone!"

"I thought you cared about her!" Newt yelled back at Jeff.

"You really think I don't care about her?! She told me everything! I told her everything! I knew her better than any one of you slintheads. You know that I still have the flowercrown she gave me? I keep it safe and look at it every morning and night! I will not put her threw the pain of listening to me scream memories in her ear in hopes that she might say something." Jeff walked away from Newt.

Newt felt at a loss. He loved you so much and now you didn't even know who he was.

You wanted to cry. You felt tired of strangers claiming to know you and telling you how much they love and care about you. You went to the look out and cried. You pulled our arm out to see the wound. The blake thread was thick but it tore threw some of your skin. It hurt so bad. You pulled your arm back and sobbed.

"Hello?" A soft voice spoke.

You looked up so see a chubby kid with curly smile at you. "Can I join you?"

You didn't say anything. So he took it as a yes and sat next to you. "I brought you food." He showed a plate with a sandwich on it. He knew it was your favorite food. But he didn't tell you it was your favorite food. He was sure that you were tired of being told who you were and what you did and did not like. He was right. "Food always makes me feel better." He smiled at you.

You enjoyed his company. He didn't frown at you like you were some lost cause or a broke toy. He smiled at you like an old friend. He gave you food and didn't scream at you that it was your favorite. He didn't bring up your supposive past.

"I'm Chuck by the way. You need anything, or just want someone to talk to. Find me." He started disappearing down the ladder. He was gone too soon.

You panicked a bit. You didn't want him to leave. He could possibly be your only friend and he was disappearing like water down a kitchen sink.

"Wait!" You choked out.

He poked out his head and raised an eyebrow at you.


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