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A/N:  decided to make the length between when teresa woke up and when everything gos to hell a little bit longer so you have time to socialize n stuff also this is kinda long

He looked back at you.

"Please stay." Tears welled up in your eyes. "I don't want to be alone again."

He gave a cheeky smile. "You don't have to cry." He said in a teasing way and sat back down with you.

You talked til the artificial sun was setting. He had a way of making you laugh, his impressions of the other gladers were hilarious and his descriptions of jobs and places made you roll. Boys would look up at lookout when sounds of joyful laughter erupted from top that was filled with nostalgia from when things were "normal."

"It's time for dinner, I think it's time you talked with some other guys." Chuck wiggled an eyebrow at you.

You immediately stopped laughing. "No, I can't!"

"C'mon. They aren't that bad!"

"I'll have a heart attack! You can't make me, I will never leave this tower!"

"Tone it down a bit!" Chuck chuckled a bit. "Here, I'll be back." He climbed down and quickly walked to the homestead to speak with the Gladers.

"Wheres (y/n)?" Newt asked disappointed as Chuck ran into the little dinner pow-wow they were having.

"I'm having a little trouble getting her down." He huffed.

"Shocking..." Gally rolled his eyes. "Seems like only a minute ago you two were best friends."

"Don't be jealous Gally." Winston's glared at him. "He's just trying to make her feel better."

"Where Thomas?" Chuck asked as he rolled his eyes around trying to find the runner.

"Out in the Deadheads with Teresa." Minho rolled his head back. "So back to (y/n), what can we do to get her down?"

"Well.." Chuck went on to fill them up on the 'dues' and 'don'ts' of the new (y/n).


Make her laugh, be polite, call her greenie


Claim to know her, call her (y/n), force items upon her, bring up her past

You sat huddled in a corner of the town and hummed to yourself.

"Hey!" You heard Chuck call up to you. You felt happy and looked over.

You felt sad again as you saw a crowd of boys behind him. "Come down and eat! I got these slintheads to promise that they'll behave!"

You wanted to say something but you felt the same fear flow over you as you did when you first came up into this strange world. You shook your head.

"C'mon Greenie!" Newt called up.

You felt a little bit of happiness as he called you Breenie rather than (y/n).

"We don't bite!" He smiled.

"Speak for yourself." Gally chuckled a bit.

You couldn't help but smile. You pulled your head back over from the edge and took a deep breath. "It's okay! You can do this. It's just a few boys, and Chuck will be there to help you. You'll be fine." You whispered to yourself. Then you started your descent to the Glade. You were almost there. A few more steps and you would be the the sweet ground.

The third link on the latter snapped when you put your foot on it. You fell on your ass as you hit the dirt. It didn't hurt but you were so embarrassed.

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