Rats in a Maze

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Minho and Thomas would of course try to retrieve your body. But would fail. The Griever would take you home without further hurting your body. Much like Alice and a rabbit hole, you rode the Griever into the small and practically invisible hole. The Griever set you down then went back to its pod as the sun was rising.

You lied lipm on the floor with (h/c) tangled hair sprawled out. You opened your eyes ounce, gaining almost consciousness. Blood coated most of your sight as you saw you were on the floor in an unknown area before passing out again.

Thomas and Minho retrieved Alby and shamefully walked back with out the only happiness that the boys seemed to get these days. It seemed a light burnt out when they came back. Jeff and Clint would work on Alby sometimes accidentally calling out your name for help but soon realizing you weren't there.

Teresa woke up. Some resented her for being like a 'replacement' for you. Others were open to the thought of another lady.

She stood on the look out with Thomas, asking questions he knew only limited answers to. "So I'm the only girl?" She asked.

Thomas eyes almost watered. "Yeah... pretty much."

"Like ever? Was there anyone before me?"

Thomas only smiled. "Thats enough questions for one day." He walked to the ladder and went down. "Lunch is soon."

Somewhere else heels clicked with urgency into the Griever den. WICKED found you wandering in the maze and put a bounty on your head. Grievers were sent to get you. But why you? If you were in the maze it was because you were put there. And infact you were. But not buy Ava's hand.

A man in a lab coat picked you up surrounded by guards. On the way back you woke up. Your body went from limp to stiff in a matter of seconds. You were like a scared cat, arms and legs stretched out, back arched, eyes widened. They stopped walking mostly out of surprise.

"AAB00 has awaken." A guard said urgently almost scared. The man in the lab coat dropped you and it seemed your reality shattered as you fell. You sprung to your feet as the men backed up and pointed their guns at you.

White lights blinded you as you ears rang and you were grasping at straws trying to regain scenes. You started to hear one of them talking to you.

"M-ma'am!" He was shaking. Each one looking as scared as you. "Y-y-you need to calm down r-right now!"

"Calm down! You're the ones pointing the gun." The sas seemed to crawl out of your mouth in a very non voluntary reaction.

"AAB00 we will be forced to shoot if you don't back down now and come with us quietly."

'AAB00' you though you could only assume that was you. Like a name for a lab rat, which you were. You nodded and followed them. You were lead into a large room with busy people. A lady with another lab coat on approached you with a smile. She was the lady in your dreams.

Your eyebrows pushed forward with worry. She was a red flag with flashing lights. She took friendly steps towards you with open arms. You felt stuck. like your needed to run or scream but you could only stare. She was about a foot away and something kicked in because you took a step back as she moved forward.

She stopped and frowned. Like an upset mother. Then smiled again. "Oh (y/n)."

Your name. Haven't heard it in a while. Almost forgot you were called something other than 'AAB00'.

"You don't member me. Or any of this." She was happy again. "Come with me."

You took another step back but the nozzle of a gun grazed your back so you gladly took several steps forward. People stared as you walked with the woman, she was saying something but it went in one ear and out the other.

"(y/n)." She looked down at you.

"What?" You asked in a dazed tone.

She smiled and narrowed her eyes. "You caused quiet a mess."

"I have?" You looked up at her.

"Yes." She laughed a bit. "When you found out that there was another maze your flipped your lid."

"Theres another maze?" You looked shocked.

"Let me finish." You nodded and she continued. "You cried about how 'they needed you'. When you told Airs that you wanted to leave he was devastated. None of us thought you would actually do it. But you injected yourself and went down. Almost three years of data and answers gone!" She laughed again.

Airs was the first thing you thought of. Who was he? Then when she said Data you though about rats in a lab. Rats in a maze chasing after a piece of cheese.

"We thought we would have to completely restart but it worked out quiet nicely. You were able to get out with out major interference." She looked down at your confused face. "Your very important. So important that replacing you was almost impossible." The last part sounded more annoyed than happy. "but thats that, and were done."

"If I was so important then why couldn't you just going into the maze and get me yourself?"

"Ha!" She rolled her head back. "And risk them seeing us? No." She slid a card down a line that opened a door. "Go in."

The people in the room looked busy. There was a bed with fancy white machinery surrounding it with calm music playing and the occasional 'beep'. A man grabbed your arm and pulled you onto the bed. "Stories are nice but its better to know for yourself." She smiled at you.

"What do you mean?" You croaked out as men stuck needles into you. Panic rushed over you. "Wh-what do you mean?" You started to be scared. Finicky and startled like a spooked horse. Your body shook. Two more needles were stuck in you and you immediately pulled them out to the mans supersize.

"Your memories."

But it completely flew over you. "What your name?! Where am I?!" You struggled and leaped from the bed. Your legs clasped under you and fell down. Quickly getting up your garbed an interment from a silver shiny tray.

People panicked and tried to get you up but a woman who grabbed to you first got a interment through her hand. Clean through actually. She screamed in pain and stepped back as did the rest but the first Woman from your dreams.

"I'm Ava Page." She smiled and stepped towards you unafraid.

You tried standing again but you couldn't.

"Don't struggle (y/n)." She knelled next to you. "Your heavily sedated right now."

"I can't see." You freaked out as everything went black.

"Yes. Now be quiet, you'll be awake soon." She hushed you.

"What?" You asked numbly then fell down.

N/A: Sorry its been a while!! You know how normal schools have finals week? Yeah my School has finals month. It aint pretty -_-

yeah so thats my lame excuse

shout out to

NewtTheLizard and Random23FanficLover You guys are a big inspiration and make my days when you comments those really nice things so im poring one out for the homies!

I'll  (won't because im a flake) update soon 

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