A Cry for Freedom

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Idk why i haven't updated sooner, but hey: I love ya guys!

Light dimly lit the Glade. Morning dew was already forming and the air was chilled. Every breath in felt like knifes, but also comforting in a way. When you breathed out you could see your breath and watch it hover in the air until it also became cold.

You were lying down next to the Glader you ran off with last night. He slept peacefully, and you smiled and you saw his chest rise and fall. It seemed so peaceful. You wanted to stay lying next to him but you started picking up your clothes and putting them on. Before you left you looked at him one more time.

Once again you couldn't help but smile. The sky was light blue but progressively got darker and turned into a deep purple. You walked to homestead which was littered with sleeping bodies, you carefully walked over them, being graceful enough not to make a mistake, it felt like you had done it a thousand times before.

You grabbed an apple from the kitchen and held it in your hands. It seemed perfect, a blend of shades of red and yellow skin cover the fruit that was slightly bigger than the palm of your hands. Oddly you lost your appetite while looking at it. 

You walked to the wall; holding the apple in your hands. You tossed it up a few times, being careful not to drop it. You walked to the end of the Glade. At this time the light grew slightly brighter, signifying time pass. The wall had carvings in it. You pressed your fingers into the groves that were jagged against the cold smooth stone.

You read the wall carefully. More than fifty names were displayed. You felt a knot form in your stomach when you saw crossed out names.

"Who would kill children?" You whispered to yourself.

Then you reached the name you hated the most. Your own. You knitted your eyebrows together and pushed out your lips to make a very displeased face.

"You're supposed to be dead." You said aloud. Your fingers ran across the name as if to cross it out like the rest of the dead people's names'.

You gripped your apple harder and turned around from the wall. You pressed your back to it and slowly sank to the ground. You held the apple up to your eyes.

"(y/n)..." You said in distaste and started to turn the apple to take a better look at it. You hummed to yourself. You let out a sigh and put you hand with the apple down. You tiled your head and look ahead to the Glade. Everything was still and quiet. Even the maze wasn't moving.

They would be doing wake up call soon. Then you would have to do the honor of socializing. Images of last night flashed in your head and you wondered if the old you ever did that. You brushed so hair behind your ear and stood up. The apple was still tightly gripped in your hand. You looked down at it one more time before walking out into the field.

You thought that you could hide here. Preferably forever. Away from everyone. Well maybe not everyone. You couldn't help but think about last night again and sat down in the grass. You tilted your head and saw a blue flower growing from the dirt. You looked around some more and saw a verity of them growing. You sat up and placed the apple down then picked up the blue flower. You twirled it in between your fingers, and then you picked another one. Then another.

Your hands started going to work, making a chain of flowers. You admired your handy work and smiled. Gently you placed it on your head like a crown. "Beautiful."

Placing the apple back in your hand you saw Newt walking across the Glade, he must be doing wake up call now. You walked quickly to Homestead, but rather than joining the waking Gladers you walked to the biggest tree that outlined the forest.

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