Cheering up

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Your morning started normal, you bid everyone a good morning and waved the Runners good bye. You watched Thomas start new jobs today. Jeff went out to talk to Alby about something and Clint was cheeking supplies somewhere else.

Winston came in with a small gash on his hand and You smiled and welcomed him in.

He sat on the bed and you took out some supplies. "What did you do this time?"

"My hand was in the way of my knife." He said simply.

You gave a small laugh and sigh. "You should be more careful of where you put your hand." You turned around and smiled at him.

He smiled back and you pulled his hand into yours.

"So," You started to clean off some blood. "What do you think of the new Greenie?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "No clue. He might make a good slicer though."

"He's with you?"

"Nah, just looks like it. I-" His face collided together as you poured some hydrogen peroxide on the cut.

You laughed a bit. "You should be used to it by now."

"Yeah whatever." He mumbled. "Is he going to do Med-Jack training?"

"You know Clint doesn't take anyone in." You laughed a bit.

"He took you and Jeff in."

You shrugged your shoulders as you finished wrapping his hand. "It was my feminine charm I guess."

Winston laughed a bit. "Yeah? So what about Jeff?"

"Honestly have no clue. Now back to work."

He hopped off the bed and walked to the door.

"Hey Winston?"

"Yeah?" He turned around and looked at you.

"Be careful." You sent him a quick wink which landed on his face making it turn pink.

"Y-yeah. See you latter." He quickly walked out.

Your day went on when you walked out after lunch to see Newt, Zart and Thomas.

"Good afternoon." You greeted them.

"Hey (y/n)." Newt said.

"Hi." Zart said quietly.

"Where's Greenie?" You asked as you looked around and couldn't find him.

"I sent him to go get fertilizer." Newt said.

"Oh." You picked up a basket. "Mind?"

"Go ahead love." Newt said with a smile.

You smiled back and stood next to Zart and started to pick vegetables off vines. You and Zart got on grate. Silence was very much welcomed in his school environment (If you get it you're awesome) Since you enjoyed your fair share of silence, you too were a smashing hit. This made NEwt only slight awkward when he was around you too at the same time.

He was about to break the silence when Thomas did for him.

"HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!" HE ran out of the woods.

Everyone ran to help him. Ben was running after him and tackled him. He didn't get very much further than that because Newt smacked him with a shovel. "Med-Jack! Med-Jack! Someone get a Med-jack!" Newt yelled.

You felt the undying urge to say something sassy back to him about how you were right here, but you felt it inappropriate. (And you answer your question, yes, you have been hanging out with Minho too often.) Jeff and Clint came running and Alby wasn't far behind.

"What happened?!" He yelled.

Jeff and Clint were pulling Ben up and Newt was helping Thomas up.

"I-I don't know. He just attacked me."

Alby eyed him down before walking away. Ben was sent to the slammer where we had to work on him in there.

You quietly walked to your room that the builders made for you. You could hear the screams from Ben going through the changing. You felt so bad for him. Naturally of course you had the serum to save him. But he was going to be sent off tonight anyways. Clint told you that they weren't going to waste it.

You cried a bit. You didn't know Ben very well. But you remember sitting with him a few night when the runner invite you to sit with them. He was definitely one of the nicer Runners and he made you feel very welcomed.

You sat on your bed and drowned yourself in sadness. Your pity party was interrupted by someone knocking on your door.

You quickly whipped away your tears and tried to make yourself slightly presentible.

"Come in."

Jeff slowly walked in, as he opened the door I could see a few others worried Gladers outside. "Hey cutie." He said lightly. Using his pet name for you, might make you feel a little better. Which it sort of did. You flashed a small smile but it quickly went away. "We're sending Ben away now."


"Just thought you wanted to go..." He slowly approached the bed you were on and sat with you.

You held back tears. "I don't need see that." You said through a few deep breaths.

"You know (y/n), It's okay to cry." He sighed and you rested your head on his shoulder. He moved a few strands of (h/c) out of your face and behind your ear.

"I know." You sighed. "Just a little less embarrassing when no ones around." You smiled to him.

"Okay." He smiled back. "See ya latter." He got up and left you.

As the door closed hot tears rolled down your face. As Gally would put it, you're such a marshmallow. You cared about everything and everyone. You one time scolded Minho for trying to kill a Bee, telling him it had a right to it's life.

You pulled from your thoughts to hear Ben pleading for his life. This only made you feel slight way worse about everything.

Moments later you could hear his cry's and the doors close.

You have stopped crying for the most part but still felt bad. An hour has passed and you hadn't come out from your room to eat for dinner. People started to gather outside your room.

"What wrong with her?" Newt asked.

"I don't know... Is she normally like this?" Thomas asked.

"Not really no.... but she gets upset about these things easily." Frypan added.

"When I went in to talk to her she was crying." Jeff said. "But she told me to leave her alone, I did."

Newt quickly grabbed his shoulders. "Did she say that directly or like she didn't want to make you feel bad so she worded it differently?"

"I-I don't know! Does it matter?"

"Yes! YEs it matter! We are dealing with a woman's feelings here!" Newt through his hands up. "Okay... Okay... We need a plan, to cheer her up."

"Oh! I could talk to her!" Minho said.

"No! Your sas is NOT what she needs right now!" Gally protested.

"I'll have you know she thinks I'm awesome!" Minho butted heads with Gally.

"Well maybe not you but you're on the right track. We should talk to her." Alby said.

Few people nodded and agreed. "So, who first?"

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