Pink Eyes

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You knew they we're outside your door. Even though your cries muffled some of it, they weren't as quiet at they might have thought. You knew in a few moments one would come in to try and make you feel better. You knew it wouldn't work, you knew only time could mend your broken heart.

A quick knock on the door and made your head pop up. You sat on your bed with your knees pulled to your chest and a pillow to cry into.


"C-come in." You said in a hiccup as you quickly tried to dry your face, but the glistening lines down your cheeks were still viable.

The door creaked open and Clint's head poked in. He had a sad and slightly worried look on his face. His green eyes darted to your (e/c) ones. You tried to poker face. You didn't hide behind a fake smile, he would see through that every time.

You puffed out your chest and took deep breaths through your nose. You tried to hide any sigh of distress. "Hello Clint." You choked put.

"Hello (y/n)." He said quietly as he closed the door behind him. You kept your eyes on him. His movements were slow, he was a fast paced person but he didn't want any quick jerks to scare you. He sat on the bed next to you. You both didn't say anything for a while. You slowly started to lean on him and landed your head on his shoulders, like a fallen tree.

"I'm sorry." He said gently as he laid his head on yours.

You could have done it. You could have not cried. Only if he didn't say anything, but he did. At first it was only a few tears down the cheek, then held back sobs, then quiet cries into your pillow, then violent sobbing into the pillow and you moved from his shoulder to his lap.

He stroked your hair in a relaxing way as your cried bloody murder. He wait til you tiered yourself out and fell asleep.

He soon fell over himself and pulled your close to himself and wrapped him and you in the covers.


You brushed some hair behind your ear and wiped away some tears, but your pink eyes were still very visible.

"Come in." You said with a cracked voice.

Hardly a few second latter did you see his stupid smile and dumb hair. He knew his smile was your weakness. Even when you were mad at him, he'd give the sheepish smile and you couldn't help but laugh or smile back in return.

The corner of your mouth went up a bit. Not a lot, but some. He smiled even bigger when he saw it had worked. He sat next to you on the bed. You had both stopped smiling.

"Where does it hurt?" He turned and looked at you.

"What?" You asked slightly confused and tiled your head a bit.

He gave that signature smile. "I'll kiss where it hurts, to make it heal batter."

You understood now. Every time he got hurt, he would insist on you kissing his injury to "make it feel better", it seemed to work because afterwards he would run around the run telling you how much better he felt already.

"My eyes hurt." You said softly.

He grabbed your hands and pulled you close to him. You fluttered your eyes closed and he gently kissed each eye lid.

"Does it feel better?" He asked.

You smiled a bit and nodded. "Yes, thank you."

"Grate! Where else does it hurt?"

You pointed to the center of your chest. He kissed it gently.

This went on for a bit. He'd kiss anywhere you pointed or told him. You tested how far he would go with kissing your hurt places and told him you hurt everywhere.

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