Dark and Stormy

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((The original second chapter didn't get as great as a response as i wanted to I'm going to re-write it... so yeah))


That noise.


Such a noisy noise.


You hated it, but loved it.


The noise of a new person.


The noise of relief.

Everyone gathered around, looking and waiting for the box to open. You heard the door's open, but was pushed towards the back of the crowed.

"Look at that Shank."

"How old it he?"

"Looks like klunk in a T-shirt."

"You're the klunk, shuck-face."

"Dude, it smells like feet down there!"

"Hope you enjoyed the one-way trip, Greenie."

"Ain't to ticket back, bro."

Voices fled the area, it reminded you of your first time. The boys reached down the pull him up. When he was up, Alby greeted him. "Nice to meet you shank. Welcome to the Glade."

You stood behind Gally, you had to get on your tip-toes to see him, but Gally had to problem kneeling down to let you see.

The kid moved in circles, trying to take in his surroundings.

"Look at the Greenbean," Gally started. "Gonna break his shuck neck checkin' out the new digs." HE laughed with other glades.

"Be nice." You scolded him and elbowed his rib a bit.

The kid whipped his head towards you two. Either from Gally's comment or hearing a girl.

"Shut your hole, Gally." Alby told him. Alby tried to approach him but he booked it.

Some of the people started to laugh a bit and cheer as they watched him run off.  You shook your head and laughed with the other boys.

"We got a runner!" Zart cheered and you and other gladers laughed.

The Greenie then proceeded to faceplant. People let out painful 'ooohh's and laughed a bit. But then some badgers took him and threw him into the slammer.

It was out of your hands now and you went back to Jeff and Clint. You were talking to Jeff about the best way to make a cake, then through it at Gally when you looked out the window and saw Gally push Thomas out of the way.

You quickly got up and ran to them, like most others.

"What's out there hun? Why won't you let me leave?" He looked at us.

"Easy," Gally told him and tried to put his arms out to calm him down.

"No! What's out there?"

Before he could say anything else he was cut off by the maze, grinding against gears and started to move. And big gust of wind blow through and it sealed shut.

"Welcome to the glade." Alby said to him and then walked away with the rest.

You ran up to him. "Hey."

He whipped around, obvious that you startled him.

"Sorry about Gally." You gave an apologetic smile. "He meant the best."

Maze Runner Boys x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now