Niall Omorashi (1)

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In this, the boys are good friends, all five of 'em. They live separately. Niall is autistic and nonverbal, but he uses an assistive communication app on his phone, or sometimes a notebook.

Louis has just moved. All the boys go over to his house to check it out, and of course hang out there. After about an hour, Niall feels the urge to pee. After another two hours, he is now fidgeting a squirming. He really needs to go, but is too scared to ask. Then, Zayn gets up to use the bathroom, and the toilet flushes really loud, which he hates, and causes him to cover his ears, even when he's in a whole 'nother room. He doesn't know what to do, so he keeps holding it until he wees himself.

I go to the address Louis just sent.

I'm pretty sure I'm the first one here, since I'm fifteen minutes early, and the others, besides Liam who will come right on the dot, will be late.

I scroll through my phone, until someone knocks on my window.

I jump up.

I look out and it's Louis.

I roll down the window.

"Sorry," I press on my phone.

"It's alright, are you gonna come in?"

"I did not mean to bother you by coming too early," I type in.

"Oh, so why did you then?"

"If I tried later I would forget," I type and use the voice again.

"Oh, ok, that's fine, you can come in now though!"

I nod.

I hop out of the car and follow Louis.

"Do you want a tour?"

"Wait for other," I type out.

He nods.

I look around at his living room.

"Sit anywhere you'd like," he says, noticing my hesitance.

"Where?" I press.

He understands my problem, luckily.

"Sit here on the glider, it's new!"

I nod and sit down.

We wait for a few minutes, before someone knocks on the door.

Louis stands up and gets it.

"Hey guys!" Liam says.

"Hi Li!"

I wave and he waves back at me.

"Wow, nice house!" he comments.

"Yea, thanks!"

He nods before sitting down in the glider next to me.

He smiles at me, before making some conversation with Louis.

I continue to stare out the window.

After a bit Harry and Zayn arrive.

One Hour Later
I feel a slight nudge in my bladder.

Whatever, I can hold it until I leave.

"More wine, guys?"

"More juice?" I type out.

"Oh, sure Nialler."

He takes my sippy cup to the kitchen, refills it, and brings it back.

"Thank you," I sign.

He nods, then gets back to the others.

Two Hours Later
I squirm in discomfort.

How much juice did I drink!? At least five cups!

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