Zayn Omorashi (1)

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The five boys, Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn, were seated at a cozy table in a bustling restaurant. They had just ordered their food, and the aroma of sizzling steaks and fragrant herbs wafted through the air.

Zayn suddenly felt a pressing urge to pee, but he was stuck in the middle of the other four. He didn't want to bother them, but he also really had to go. He squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, trying to hold it in.

As the conversation flowed, Zayn's mind was preoccupied with his bladder. He tried to subtly shift his weight, hoping to alleviate the pressure. But it was no use. He needed to pee, and he needed to pee now.

Just as Zayn was about to ask to be excused, the waiter arrived with their food. Zayn's stomach grumbled in anticipation, but his mind was elsewhere. He tried to focus on the meal, but the urge to pee only grew stronger.

Halfway through the meal, Zayn couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed his crotch, wincing in discomfort. It was too late. He had waited too long, and now he was going to have to endure the embarrassment of wetting himself in front of his friends.

Zayn tried to discreetly signal to the waiter, but it was no use. He was stuck in the middle of the table, and his friends were engrossed in their conversation. Zayn shifted in his seat, trying to hold it in, but it was no use. A warm stream trickled down his leg, and he felt the hot shame of humiliation wash over him.

The other boys finally noticed what had happened and quickly helped Zayn to the bathroom. Zayn was mortified, but his friends were kind and understanding. They made light of the situation, trying to cheer Zayn up as best they could.

In the end, the incident brought the boys even closer together. They laughed about it for years to come, and Zayn learned to never wait too long to use the restroom again.

341 Words

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