EPISODE 16: A Regret

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The amber sky floats above, and wispy clouds drift through the remnants of the dying day. The sun eases itself behind the horizon, burning whatever memories it could of itself into the world. Indigo shadows start to rear up, stretching and clawing across the field. These alter egos of mechanical trees and boulders sluggishly trod through the tin grasses.

Starscream sits on a small hill, picking carefully at a shiny blade of glass. He delicately splits it down the middle before placing one of the halves between his lips. He chews nervously on the end, the metallic flavor slowly filling his mouth.

It is about a month after he and Megatron produced their silent light. It is a permanent structure in the universe announcing their partnership. After the moment they shared, Starscream was filled with unrelenting happiness. It felt like borderline insanity, and the glee that consumed him sent surges through his spark.

But now, something inside Starscream has changed. His wings no longer flutter with joy when he sees Megatron enter the room. He no longer felts the urge to hug Megatron before bed. Maybe it is just the incredible infatuation faultering, but Starscream isn't sure. His mind cannot stop delivering memories of when Megatron, before the Accident, would beat him until he couldn't stand.

Starscream reminds himself, "That wasn't the real Megatron. Who's with me now is the real Megatron", but he cannot relieve himself from the pit in his abdomen. Why is he doing this? Why is he staying with Megatron?

Does he feel trapped? No. He could have left the Decepticons whenever he wanted. Well, he could, but then he risked adding himself to the Decepticon Justice Division's List. Tarn and his goons would happily slaughter him, the ultimate traitor to Decepticon kind. But now, Decepticonism no longer exists. And the DJD should die with the cause, but Starscream knows Tarn is a hardheaded bot who wouldn't roll over so easily.

But Starscream isn't afraid of Tarn. It's Megatron he fears. He feared his power and rage when he served him, and now he fears breaking his heart. And Megatron's possible reaction to him expressing his concerns. Maybe Megatron will return to his old ways if his life is suddenly turned on its head.

Starscream is aware that Megatron suspects his shifted emotions. Now, about every other day, Megatron asks in a warm, inviting tone, "Hey, is there anything you want to talk about?". And the answer is always, "No, why?". Megatron would smirk and shake his head: "Just want to make sure you are okay."

Megatron is an excellent partner, who prepares meals for Starscream and ensures all his needs are met. Maybe his perfection is the source of Starscream's uneasiness. He used to be a flawed, horrific, violent, and irrational bot, but now...he's dreamy, caring, and protective. Starscream can sense he still retains his power, but it is stored away for later.

But what will happen when that strength is unleashed?

Starscream shakes his head. Maybe it is time to explain his feelings to Megatron. Starscream stands up as the sun finally cloaks itself, and he hobbles through the cerulean and violet landscape back to his new home. A boxy shelter is settled on the edge of the field, its back creeping into the forest behind it. It was abandoned when he and Megatron found it, and now its repaired windows glow with tangerine and vermillion light. They had left the city, hoping to find a place to remain hidden away as the planet heals the scars they caused. Additionally, many Cybertronians still felt distain towards them. For everyone's well being, Megatron and Starscream found it best they isolate.

And maybe the isolation is starting to hurt. Megatron is Starscream's only source of social interaction, and Starscream craves the company of other Cybertronians. His mischevious companions, Thundercracker and Skywarp, are nowhere to be found. Contact attempts have also ended in failure. Megatron has encouraged Starscream to go out and find other hermits to converse with, but anyone Starscream has found was bitter or uninterested in interaction. The is one soul, however, who was separated from Cybertronians so long he had developed his own language. They spent an afternoon together. It was fun; activities were straightforward. They kicked a ball of crumpled metal scraps around, but Starscream couldn't get to know the bot on a personal level. But what games they did play did ease some of Starscream's social isolation.

The real problem, at the end of it all, is his relationship with Megatron.

Starscream follows the stone path leading up to the front door. Megatron had gone to an oil creek nearby and harvested many of the rocks at the bottom. He placed them individually by hand, creating a delightful path up to their home. The door rushes aside on its own, revealing the peaceful living room, decorated with objects from the forest. Clusters of crystals hang from the ceiling by string, and they swing around a bit from the gust of air from the door.

A cloud of periwinkle steam exhales from the stovetop in the kitchen, and Megatron pulls himself away as it dissipates into the air. Starscream settles down on a slab in the living room, watching his lover work away.

"What are you cooking?" Starscream asks.

Megatron looks over his shoulder and smiles. "Didn't even hear you come in! I'm just adding some energon to some edible plants from the woods. Don't know if it is going to be any good, but it is worth a shot."

Starscream gets to his feet and ambles over to Megatron. He stands behind him and wraps his arms around his waist, his head resting against the big bot's spinal strut. Megatron stops stirring to look again over his shoulder at the Seeker gripping to him. He turns back to his project.

"Hello," Megatron mutters.

Starscream's fingers trace around the plates on Megatron's abdomen, feeling every familiar ridge, dip, and rise. Suddenly, tears well up in his optics and flood down over his cheeks. A brief whimper explodes from his voicebox, and he buries his face into Megatron's back to hide any more melancholy sounds.

"Hey, are you okay?" Megatron turns off the stove and tries to face his partner. Starscream pivots with Megatron, his feet scraping along the ground, and remains hooked to Megatron's back.

Starscream reels in a wail before he replies, "Not really."

"Do you want to talk?"

"No. You're cooking."

"That can wait."

"Okay. Then yes."

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now