Episode 20: A Visitor

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Starscream angrily kicks a crumbled up ball of metal scraps about, and the Cybertronian he had met in the woodlands watches nearby. He nibbles on a spindly root, his teeth grinding against the tart fibers. Starscream furiously slams his foot against the ball, sending it flying through the canopy. His audience of one watches with minimal interest.

Starscream glowers at him. "Any comment, Ryo?"

Ryo looks backs at the bristling Seeker. He removes the root from his lips and holds it out to Starscream.

Starscream ambles up to him and takes the root from his fingers. He slips it between his teeth and chews feverishly on the delectible inorganic plant matter. "You know what I'm sayin'?"

Ryo nods his head and replies in length, but his language is still unknown to Starscream.

"I'll know every word you created at some point. I promise. Say that again, slower this time."

Ryo grins broadly and repeats his response, clearly anunciating every phrase. We'll get it one day, Ryo thinks.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. You're asking if we're still fighting? Yes."

Ryo frowns empathetically. He gently pats Starscream's shoulder before tending to a small bag on his hip. He pulls out a couple more roots before putting them in Starscream's hand. Starscream observes them, the metal flesh around his optics starting to become puffy. His mind start to cloud, but the indistiguishable train of thoughts is welcomed.

"Thanks," Starscream mutters. He sits down on the ground and stares emptily out into the forest.

Ryo follows his comrade's gaze, trying to see if there is anything in particular he is observing. He suddenly gets to his feet and happily dashes into the foliage. Starscream stews in his silence, his high starting to escalate at a rapid pace. Ryo return with the ball and places it before Starscream. The Seeker just stares at the sunlight reflecting off its surface, his mind locked onto the brilliance.

"What do I do if he never loves me again?" Starscream asks. He looks up at Ryo, his optics filled with heavy tears. His cheeks start to become wet as he continues his train of thought. "What if he hates me forever because I left him? I don't want him to leave me. I want to be close to him, but not in the way that we have been."

Ryo sits before Starscream, intently listening to his outpour of worries and desires. Poor thing. I understand, and I've been in a similar situation. Maybe not as intense as this...but I understand.

"But why do I still want to be with him?" Starscream places his head in his hands, his brain becoming a swath of flashbulb memories, existential dread, illogical nonsense. He takes in a breath, trying to steer himself through the hurricane of ideas broiling inside him. "I...I...he and I are both...we both messed up a lot. Maybe we are meant for each other...I don't know. Dear Primus, I don't think this was a good time for this." Starscream looks at the chewed up root in his hand.

Ryo sifts through his side bag again and extracts a leaf. He gently inserts it between Starscream's lips. It's time to come down.

"Do I chew it?"

Ryo nods.

Starscream clamps the leaf between his teeth, and after a few minutes of absently nibbling on it, he feels the storm swelling inside fall apart. His shoulders relax as it becomes daylight again, the waters calm for peaceful contemplation and discovery.


Starscream whips around as a familiar, deep voice rubbles behind him. Ryo quickly gets to his feet as Shockwave enters his camp.

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