EPISODE 22 - A Desire

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Starscream whips his head around as the front door suddenly thunders open, and Shockwave's broad form cuts out the sundown light ripping into the living room. Megatron slowly sits up as no voice comes from the entrance, and he stares at the tense mech.

Shockwave slips into the house, the door gracefully creaking behind him as it closes and snaps into its frame. He trods to the kitchen, his heavy feet dragging over the dusty floors. Starscream looks at Megatron, his worrysome eyes asking about the state of the scientist. Megatron stares into Starscream's optics, dissecting the question, before tearing his gaze back to Shockwave.

"Are you okay?" Megatron asks, his gruff voice rattling Shockwave.

Shockwave snaps his head towards his former liege like a terrified animal, his red optic slowly angling up and down as he takes in the room and his onlookers. Without a word, he takes a small can of energon off a shelf. His fingers warily grasp it before delicately extracting, bringing it down to his side. He makes his way back to the door as solemnly as a spirit. The sun breaks into the room again before trapping itself in cool shadows.

Starscream and Megatron exchange glances before jumping to their feet and rushing outside. They look about, but there is no one in the grasses. No sign of Ryo or Shockwave remains, including prints in the soft silt or jostled tree branches.

"Shockwave!" Megatron cries out.

Starscream powers up his boosters and rockets into the sky. The home beneath him reduces to flat, unimpressive roof spattered with fallen leaves and plant debris, and the folding field's waves sparkle below. He turns about in partial circles, his optics desperately scowering the wild forest spanning for miles around. A slow rumble sounds behind him, and Starscream faces Megatron, now also billowing in the air via the rockets on his heels. Megatron searches for a sign of the purple and blue mechs.

Starscream stares at Megatron's distraught face, knowing he is worried for the scientist displaying unusual behaviors. But his mind couldn't help but wander to the time before they established their silent light and they soared about in the atmosphere, exchanging passionate kisses and heartfelt promises of partnership. A stubborn sob riots in Starscream's throat, and he slams a hand against his mouth, daring it to make such a sloppy sound again.

"Hey, it's okay." Megatron floats closer to him. "We'll find them."

"It's not that!" Big, bold tears rush down Starscream's face and dribble off his jaw. His mouth curves downward, distorting his face as he snivels and coughs. "I don't want to lose you, Megatron. I don't want you to abandon me."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I'm confused right now. Because I'm not with you anymore."

"Hey." Megatron cautiously places a hand on Starscream's shoulder. After the Seeker casts a nervous glance at it, Megatron asks, "Is this okay?"

Starscream surges forward, pulling Megatron into an embrace. Megatron wraps his arms around the sobbing bot, and he pets the back of Starscream's helm as he jerks and sputters. Starscream wraps his legs around Megatron's waist, making himself difficult to remove.

"I know you are confused. And I'm not going to leave you because you aren't my boyfriend anymore," Megatron reassures. "I'll stay here as long as you need me."

"B-but I don't do things like k-kissing anymore. Doesn't that make you upset?"

"I mean, I do still have feelings for you, but I know it isn't mutual anymore. I'll have to let those feelings go over time. But I'm not upset because you don't want to be intimate anymore. I never saw you as just that, anyways. You are more than a body I interact with. I also want to please you, and if being here as support is what you need, then that is what I will do. Is that want you want from me?"

Starscream nods rapidly and buries his head in Megatron's chest.

"Okay. But we need to find Shockwave and Ryo now."

. . .

"Do you think Ryo is in trouble?" Starscream paces about the living room table, and Megatron watches his anxious laps, his legs crossed as he settles on a slab.

"I don't think so."

"But what if Shockwave took him for an experiment? Maybe that is why he was acting so strange."

"I don't think so. Shockwave...he was acting guilty. He never behaves one way or another when he is off planning experiments or doing research. It's always just," Megatron slices a flat hand through the air. "nothing. I mean, he took a drink. Is he drinking? Shockwave doesn't like things like that."

Starscream halts his rounds and stamps his foot. "I think Ryo needs us. Call him again."

Megatron raises an eyebrow and unfolds his legs, empowering his stance as he sits comfortably, watching the bristling Seeker. The communication device is settled in his relaxed fingers. "We've already called Shockwave four times in the past five kliks*. He isn't answering."

Starscream holds out his hand. "I'll call then."

"He's ignoring us."

A sudden, licentious thought bombastically barges through Starscream's head. He briefly imagines clambering over Megatron's spread legs and settling on his lap, seducing the big bot into handing over the device. "Come on," he would jeer while nibbling on the end of his thumb and waggling his hips. "Give me a chaaance?"

He snaps out of the ludicrous fantasy and swipes the device from Megatron's hand.

"I'll get ahold of him, then," Starscream mutters. He redials Shockwave's line and waits as the waveform diagram remains static. The blue screen suddenly morphs into a vicious, blaring red, causing Starscream to immediately redial. Again, splashed with scarlet.

"Does Ryo have a line?" Megatron asks.

Starscream shakes his head and places the communication device on the table. He rubs the back of his neck, his lustful thought still haunting him. "Maybe we can search his lab."

"We'll go at sunrise. I can tell you are exhausted."

*klik = 1.2 minutes

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now