Episode 28: A Return

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Starscream gazes through the windshield of the flight deck, hugging a small communicator to his chest. His tin skin thumps from the force of his pounding spark, and he feels the small yet thunderous vibrations coursing through his trembling fingers. Starscream presses an orange button on the side of the communicator and brings the device up to his dry lips.

"Mega, can you hear me?"

A soft spatter of crackling comes through. "Yes, I can." Megatron rockets up to the windshield, his limbs light from the wild and bouyant space outside. The light of stars reflect daintily off his frame. He gives Starscream a small smile and waves at him.

Starscream returns the gesture. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Megatron moves his mouth, forming the words into the vacuum of space. Of course, the words do not travel, but a small box strapped to his neck senses the vibrations, transforming them into sound that Starscream can hear. Megatron puts his hand on the glass. "I'll be back in no time, okay?"

Starscream looks at his lover's sharp fingers, noticing every ridge and scrape and nick and oil stain. He taps his own fingertips against the glass, just briefly creating the illusion that their bodies touched.

Megatron pushes his face closer to the glass, his teeth just inches from the windshield. "And I'll give you all the kisses you could ever desire."

Tears spout from Starscream's optics. His lips quiver and his glossa stings as the sour tears dribble into his mouth. "I don't just want your kisses, Megatron. I want your company and your advice and just you, but I feel like I am about to lose all of it."

Megatron closes his eyes, brushing off some tears already forming in the corners of his optics. The black tears drift off into the dark indigo void, wavering and squirming like maggots. "I don't want to lose you, either. I promise I'll come back."

Starscream shakes his head before pressing his lips to the glass, causing a small ring of white fog to form around his tender touch. Megatron lays his own lips upon the glass, but not before Starscream already retreated. Starscream pulls the device up to his mouth one last time. "Talk to me until the signal goes out, okay?"

Megatron pulls away from the glass and pushes off with his heel, thrusting himself into the nothingness. "I will." He activates his boosters briefly, sending him around to the back of the ship. Starscream faced the ship away from the Silent Light, allowing for a quick get away in case it decided to start dragging him in. He didn't want to waste time turning around. Starscream dashes through the small corridors of the ship, following the invisible sound of his beloved traveling to the unknown they crafted.

Starscream enters the recharging room at the back of the ship. He clambers onto one of the slabs and yanks open a plum purple curtain, revealing the mouth of the Silent Light and the twin lights of Megatron's boosters.

"Can you hear me?" Starscream whispers.


"How do you feel?"

"I'm...scared. I will be honest about that. But I know this is for the best, and I am happy to do it. How are you feeling?"

Starscream presses the orange button, ready to deliver his response, but instead, a horrible sob belts from his throat. "I-I'm sorry. Please, I'm so scared for you."

"Hey, hey." The dual lights move downwards as Megatron rights himself, halting his voyage. "It's okay. We'll survive this, Scream. I believe in both of us."

"W-We should've waited for Shockwave."

Megatron's side remains silent. The partnered lights move back up and start to fade as they approach the Silent Light.

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now