EPISODE 27 - A Promise

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Starscream snuggles deeper into Megatron's warmth, his cheek resting on his powerful bicep. His large legs spoon him, allowing the smaller Seeker to nestle into the curve of his body. Last night, minus the accident, was absolutley wonderful. Megatron and him had bathed together in the washroom's oil bath basin, sweet talking and assuring the other that he is loved and respected, despite of the recent distance.

"I'm happy to be with you," Megatron said as he cleaned Starscream's back. "regardless of if we are friends or lovers."

Starscream leaned back into his grasp, letting Megatron wrap his arms around him. "I'm happy to be with you, too."

Starscream stretches and yawns, causing Megatron to stir and uncoil his legs. Starscream extends fully, grunting as he pulls his arms above his head. One of his back strut segments pops, and Megatron puts a gentle finger near where the sound erupted from.

"You okay?" he whispers, his morning voice grumbly and raspy.

Starscream turns over and places a small peck between Megatron's groggy eyes. "Yeah. It felt kinda good."

"Mmm. Just speaking about feeling good...are you in the mood or no?"

"Uh, not really."

Megatron cuckles. "Okay. I'm not really either. Last night really wiped me out. I forgot how much pulsing takes out of you."

"Same here." Starscream presses his chest to Megatron's, still feeling some of the heat leftover from the intimate encounter. "I'm kinda suprised we made silent light before pulsing. It was a good first pulse, though."

"It was great. I think we got excited, and we had the resources to make silent light. We had someone who knew of a dead place in space that we could go to, as well as transportation."

"True. We wanted to do it while we could." Starscream adjusts his position, propping himself up on his arm. "Is it true some people set off EMPs when they pulse?"

Megatron rubs his optics and places his hand on Starscream's narrow waist. "Not surprised. That must be one hell of a pulse to release that much energy, though."

Starscream grins mischeviously and nibbles on this thumb. "Do you think you were getting close to that?"

Megatron pulls Starscream in closer and places a couple kisses on his chest. "It felt very, very good, but I'm not sure. If anyone would have set off an EMP, it would have been you." Megatron places his forehead over Starscream's spark, closing his optics.

Starscream pets the back of Megatron's helm, looking at his muddled reflection in the surface. "Agreed. But you were making quite a ruckus as well." Starscream echoes some of Megatron's groans and whines, pushing his chest back and forth against Megatron's forehead.

Megatron lifts his head and slaps a finger over Starscream's lips, and Starscream giggles and drags the edge of glossa over Megatron's fingertip.

Megatron playfully pushes Starscream's head away. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"Oh, always," Starscream taunts. Starscream lifts Megatron's chin up with a sensually slow index finger, allowing their optics to lock together. He dips his head, placing his lips dangerously close to Megatron's slightly trembling mouth. The big bot's breath is hot and shallow, sending quick gusts over Starscream's cheek. "It seems like this is too much for you."

"No, it's not."

"No what?"

Megatron bites his bottom lip, trying to pull the corners of his mouth down as they extend into a feverish grin. "No, sir."

"And here I was thinking you weren't in the mood."

"I wasn't, but I think I've changed my mind. How do you feel?"

"The same way."

Starscream slips his slender glossa between Megatron's teeth, and his partner's own tongue greets his with equal pushback. Starscream wraps his arm's around Megatron's thick neck, feeling his tongue slip over Megatron's canines and the insides of his cheeks. A shrill cry of excitement, muffled and crushed, rises in Starscream's throat as Megatron props him up and gently pushes him against the wall. Their kiss parts, and Starscream trills and laughs pleasantly as Megatron migrates his lips to his heated neck. Starscream places his hands on Megatron's shoulder blades, feeling his lover work his magic into his body.

Suddenly, the passion dies like a candle under a glass, just whisps of the remnants of the fire twisting about. Megatron places his chin on the crook of Starscream's shoulder, his breaths fast and strained, not sensually rapid as they were.

Starscream pets the back of Megatron's head. "Mega, are you alright? Did I push you?"

"No...no." Megatron props Starscream against the wall before pulling away, resting his weight on his legs as he sits on his knees. "I've been thinking, but I think I'm going up there today."

"To the silent light?"

"Yes. We don't have the time to wait for Shockwave."

"But what if something happens?"

Megatron shakes his head. "Anything could happen, regardless of if Shockwave is there or no."

"But maybe he would have a better chance at solving issues." Starscream takes in a breath. "Are you asking me to monitor you and make sure you are safe?"

Megatron hesitates before nodding.

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now