EPISODE 34 - A Living Being

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Starscream brushes a film of sweat from his forehead as a bolt of whimpers slices out of his mouth. Megatron curls his body around him, enveloping him in a boiling ball of heat, as his fingers slither about Starscream's pounding spark. His lips lay gentle kisses on Starscream's cheek. Starscream kicks his legs as a grand surge rockets through his body, sending up a cloud of happy steam into the air. An erotic sigh fans from his mouth as his muscles relieve and relax.

Megatron watches the puffs of vapor extend into the air, quietly cheering the pleasured lovers entwined below. Megatron delicately closes Starscream's spark chamber, easing his partner's flourish of heightened energy. He hooks a leg around Starscream's sprawling body, reeling him back in. "Not going anywhere..." he coos.

"Oh, I know," Starscream breathes, and he knocks a knuckle against Megatron's barrel chest. The panels separate and lock into place as Starscream slips a shivering hand around Megatron's spark.

Megatron grunts. "Softer, please. Don't worry about making me finish." Megatron props himself up, resting his head on his flattened palm.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. If I do, great. If I don't, great. I just want to be here with you."

Starscream blushes profusely, his cheeks glowing a brilliant peachy pink. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too." Megatron releases a tiny chuckle, trying to bring lightness to the recent happenings. "What did you miss the most?"

Starscream feigns thinking, dragging his gaze across the ceiling as he pokes and prods at Megatron's spark. "I don't know. Everything."

Megatron raises an eyebrow and looks down at his beating spark. "Whatcha doing?"

"I dunno."

"Kinda hurts."

"Oops, sorry." Starscream giggles and snuggles closer to Megatron, returning to sensual strokes and pets. "It's been...stressful. I'll be honest about that. I didn't know what was going on or if anything would return to normal."

Megatron places a hand on Starscream's cheek, gently rubbing his skin with a soft thumb. "Thank you for taking care of me. And thanks for not giving up."

"I'll never give up on you."

"I won't give up on you, either."

Starscream places a series of wet kiss on Megatron's lips, his tongue gently slipping over his teeth. "I don't want you to go back."

Megatron smiles, but his eyes emit a hesitant light of despair and dread. "I don't either. But I know I have to."

"What do you remember?"

Megatron gently pushes Starscream's hand out of his chest before locking his spark chamber shut. He knits his fingers with Starscream's. "Not much, to be honest. It's all either too much information or none at all." Megatron wipes a small puddle of tears starting to flood into his optics. "I am so happy to finally have a break. It was so much...you have no idea. I briefly, um, considered..." Megatron looks at the ceiling, allowing gravity to pull his tears back into their ducts. "Extinguishing my own spark. I was just conscious enough to have the control to do that."

Starscream pulls Megatron in, powerfully hugging him to his chest. "I'm sorry..."

"There's no need. You did everything you could, and what you could do helped. I appreciated you coming to find me when I left the house."

Starscream migrates his arms from Megatron's waist to his thick neck. He locks his gaze with Megatron's, feeling his own sadness start to drip down his face. "Of course. Is there any way you can signal me if you feel like that again? Just so I can pay special attention to you."

Megatron plants a strong kiss on Starscream's forehead. "You always pay special attention to me. But," Megatron taps three times on Starscream's faded Deceptibrand. "how about that?"

"That works. What do you want me to do?"

"Just make sure I am always in sight. I'll tap you again when the feeling goes away." Megatron runs his hand down Starscream's waist, his fingers curving over his propped up hip. "I agree with you: I also don't think this is the Universe. It knows I wish to inflict harm upon myself...but yet it only just did something to ease my pain when I lashed out against it. I think that a merciful higher power would have never given me something that would spark such thoughts within me."

"But what is it then?"

"I don't know. My best guess...is the Silent Light itself."

"But that means we made a living being."

"And it's possible we did."

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now