Episode 29: A Universe

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Shockwave's blasphemous and bulky voice rocks the room, sending a jolt through Starscream as he waits timidly next to the frozen form of Megatron. Starscream points up at the sky. "But it's gone now! We did the right thing!"

Shockwave shakes his head furiously as he storms up to Megatron, who is still seated at the dashboard. His gaze locks onto the sights of the Cybertronian forest outside of his and Starscream's home. Shockwave doesn't dare touch his fragile liege and instead leans forward, like Starscream, to observe Megatron's guise. He clings to a walking cane as he steadies himself, becoming used to his new yet familiar body. "And he's been unresponsive since he came back?"

"Yes. He seems somewhat aware of what might be going on. Like he threw up and looked down at it, but he didn't seem troubled."

Shockwave narrows his eyes at Starscream. "Threw up?"

"Yes. Like thick, black vomit."

"Son of a glitch..." Shockwave mutters and he swivels Megatron's chair around, letting the massive mech face him. He pulls down Megatron's lower lip, observing some of the dark fluid still pooling lightly in his mouth. Shockwave snaps his fingers in front of Megatron's eyes, eliciting no reaction like blinking or jolting. "He's in severe shock. Here, help me get him to the floor."

Starscream scampers over, and with Shockwave handling Megatron's torso and the Seeker at his feet, they carefully bring Megatron to the floor. Shockwave places Megatron's hands at his sides.

Shockwave points at Starscream's waist. "Sit on the floor and keep his legs elevated."

Starscream settles down, crossing his legs and placing Megatron's feet on his lap. He watches solemnly as Shockwave gets down on his knees and forces Megatron's spark cavity open. The metal plates squeak with resistance, and Shockwave peaks in at the pale blue spark softly beating and churning inside. Shockwave closes it and turns to Starscream.

"His spark hasn't slowed; that's good. But I'll make one thing clear: I'm no medic. I know anatomy, but not in a holistic and helping sense. My science is destructive; we need someone who knows how to help."

Starscream nods before placing a hand on Megatron's calf. "He's cold."

Shockwave gets to his feet. "I don't want to keep moving him, but we can bring him into the house where it is warmer. You can start up a fire as well. But after that, we keep him in one spot."

. . .

Starscream sits absently on the floor, his left leg bouncing up and down as he contemplates all of the possibilities that led to his lover to this state. Did the Silent Light wipe his brain? Did he hit his head somehow? Is this...even his Mega at all?

Shockwave's hand suddenly comes into view, gripping onto a purple cup with steam rolling off the top. Starscream looks up at it, not fully comprehending the gesture. Shockwave shakes it a tad, encouraging Starscream to take it. The Seeker gently lifts his hands and removes it from Shockwave's grasp. Shockwave turns on his heel and starts to pace back and forth in front of the fireplace, a roaring fire in its heart. He sips from his own cup as he observes the slumbering Megatron on one of the living room slabs.

"I don't know who the hell to contact to help us," Shockwave grumbles.

"Who helped you?"

Shockwave shakes his head and gives Starscream a half-hearted, satirical smirk. "Wouldn't even know it was them even if I saw them on the street. I was put under, operated on, and then woke up in the hotel with Ryo. Never saw who operated on me." Shockwave takes a long slurp of his drink. "Should've asked Ryo to come along with me instead of keeping the hotel room reserved. I didn't know I would be walking into this." Shockwave gestures to Megatron's limp body.

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