Episode 32: A Gift

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A surge of energy courses through Megatron's body as he wakes with a start, and a powerful shriek bursts forth from his chest. Starscream scoots backwards, avoiding the violent thrashes of claws and spiked shoulders. A gush of haunting black fluid spews from Megatron's lips, falling upon the remains of last night's fire.

"Frag!" Megatron gasps as he looks down at the mess. His mind is desperate to hold on to sentience, and a terrible migraine forms as his consciousness and overwhelming knowledge strike against each other. He looks to Starscream, his eyes normal once again but quivering and afraid. "I'm still here," Megatron says, pressing his palm to his pounding temple. "It's...j-just hard to push it all away."

Starscream crawls back up to him, and he places his hands on Megatron's cheeks. "Push what away?"

"Everything I was shown in there."

"H-How can I help?"

Megatron shakes his head, feeling his spark drop into his belly. "I don't know if you can." All at once, the memories yank him away, spiraling him backwards into his own mind. His shoulders fall and pupils enlarge.

Starscream runs his hands over his head as gigantic tears squirm into his optics. The corners of his mouth quiver as he holds onto his composure. "Mega?"

Megatron takes in a shaky breath.

Ryo slowly approaches from the kitchen, a small tin of unknown goodies in his hand. His eyes are wide, his mouth slightly agape.

Starscream sighs and places his forehead on Megatron's. "It's okay. I'm glad you were able to talk to me a little bit." Starscream guides his head back down to his lap, a gentle hum quaking in his throat. "Go back to sleep."

Ryo sits on the slab behind Starscream, watching the great mech slowly float back into slumber. "We need to find someone who can help him control his thoughts."

Starscream pets Megatron's cheek, his finger slowly skidding across his skin, hushing the trembling bot. "Like some sort of guide?"

"I guess." Ryo lowers himself to the ground, opening the tin. "I was thinking more like you." Ryo holds out the tin to Starscream, offering a chip.

Starscream slips his fingers into the tin and extracts a chip. He nibbles on it, mulling over Ryo's suggestion. "How would I guide him?"

"Not sure. You've known him the longest. You must have some idea about his train of thought."

Starscream shrugs, his tired joints creaking like ancient bones. "I guess. I mean, I know who he is and what he likes to do but I don't know how to trigger him to come out of this...trance. It's not like he doesn't want to be conscious. He very much wants to be himself again...it's just it seems his mind is too flooded with other things."

. . .

Megatron stalks about through the swaths of hazy fog, their bodies uncoiling as he marches through them. His teeth are sharp and clenched, glinting in the weak light of the dream world. His optics provide the strongest, most pointed light, their raging glow slicing through the misty vapors constricting the air.

"I don't want all of this!" Megatron barks as he paces back and forth like a rabid dog, droplets of spit flaming from his mouth. "I entered the Silent Light because we didn't know what else to do. It came unannounced to our home, threatening the people that live there. And what I end up with is an overload of information that leaves me utterly helpless! And you say it is a gift."


"What if I don't want those kind of abilities?" Megatron holds up his hands, offering the surrender of his former self's greed. "I don't desire power any more. I am no longer a deranged warlord looking for new incalculable levels of strength. I am just a tired, guilt-ridden bot who just wants to hide away in the forest with his loved one until he dies!" Tears streaks down his jaw, dropping into the retreating fog below.

The voice remains quiet for a moment.


Megatron nods.


Megatron wipes his weeping eyes. "How? Just giving me too much to think about to distract me from the past?"


"Yeah, yeah, neverthing is as perfect as it should be. But..." Megatron sighs and sits down, his heels starting to burn with a strange exhaustion. "my mind, the Cybertronian mind, is not designed to handle this level of information. Universe, you are killing me."

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now