Episode 33: A Disguise

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Megatron lowers his shoulders, his eyes sealing shut as he forces himself back into his own pleasurable memories. "We were just starting to rekindle our relationship. We've been disconnected, and we finally came back together. We gave our bodies to each other; I want to explore that dimension of ourselves more. But now we are separated again. I don't know if we will be able to survive this pressure."


. . .

Warmth floods through Megatron's fingers as he awakens in Starscream's grasp. Starscream's hands are locked with his own, Starscream's thumb gently rubbing his rigid palms. Megatron lifts his arm, gently placing his hand against Starscream's burning cheek.

"Do you have a fever?" Megatron whispers.

"No," Starscream replies, his volume mirroring Megatron's. "How are you feeling?"

Megatron rolls his body onto his back, the rear of his helm now pressing into Starscream's lap. He gazes up at the Seeker looking down at him. His partner's eyes are slightly less illuminated, but their cheerful frenzy still burns.

"I'm good. I'll be back for a little bit."

"Yeah?" A small smirk cracks Starscream's guise.

Megatron runs a thumb across Starscream's lips, feeling a small, relaxed sigh pass over his skin. "Yeah. I'll tell you what's going on. It's still a bit hard to describe everything...but I'll do my best." Megatron clears his throat and lifts his head a tad, looking around at the still living room. Ryo sits at the window, looking out at the dreary day, his chin resting on his propped up arms. "Ryo..."

Ryo looks over, being gravitated out of his grand reflections by the call of his designation. A grin spreads over his frown. "Hey."

"How are you doing?"

Ryo shrugs. "I'm okay. Starscream and I are looking out for each other."

Megatron sits up, the segments of his back popping as they shift and recalibrate to a new position. "That's good to hear. I'll take care of you two while I am awake, give you time to rest. I know it's been stressful." Megatron shakily moves himself up to his feet, and Starscream watches, his arms extended to break a fall the best he can. "Where's Shockwave?"

"Back at his lab," Ryo replies. "We've...broken up. And he needs some time to himself."

"Oh, dear..." Megatron places a soft hand against Ryo's back, sending up a delicate swarm of settled dust. The variety of particles, some spherical and others long, swirl about as they search for a new place to call home. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm just glad I have people to be with."

"I am, too. I'll try to be present as much as I can."

Ryo nods absently before turning back to the humid nature outside, clouds of pale fog roiling past the glass window pane, some of it condensing in fat droplets. They roll down, the water dripping into the home through the barely cracked window frame.

Starscream ambles up to Megatron. "So what's happening?"

Megatron shakes his head, trying to free a proper explanation from the blocked thoughts now barricaded in his brain. "I...I am talking to what I believe is the Universe Itself."


"When I went through, uh, our Silent Light, I was shown...a lot. More than I can process. Like...infinity. I was revealed every timeline possible, which is an incalculable number of possibilities. Everything from what would happen if a living animal breathed at different rates to what would happen if someone's spark palpitated at one point in a timeline but palpitated microkilks later in another timeline. And all these different slight differences in bodily functions multiplied across the infinite number of organisms creates just an unimaginable number of timelines on its own. And then adding all the different actions just one organism could do, like rotating your foot 10 degrees in one timeline or 10.00001 degrees in another makes totally different outcomes. And then differences in thought processes to even different cloud formations on just one planet..." Megatron presses his hand to his forehead, his optics swelling with tears as even his own filtered thoughts become vicious and burdening. "And all these possibilities in just my little brain...it was too much to bear."

"It's okay. I think I understand." Starscream places an arm around Megatron's waist. "But...can you control it now?"

"No, not yet. The Universe wants me to have all these thoughts; It won't take them away. But It is helping me filter them for a day before I will be tasked with learning how to control them again for another day. And then the day after It will help me filter again. And the same pattern until I learn how to filter on my own."

"That's ridiculous," Ryo barks.

Megatron looks towards him.

"How will It expect you to hold that amount of data? We can't physically do that. It's overloading you to the point of inevitable burn out." Ryo glances over his shoulder at the big mech. "It's going to wreck your mind."

"But maybe it is more of a channeling instead of actual storage in his mind. Like," Starscream pulls his hands above his head, fanning his fingers. "the Universe is the main storage of the data and it is transferring the information through Megatron to Cybertron. Megatron doesn't have to remember it all. Just learn how to navigate the infinite data."

"But how do you do that?" Ryo asks.

Megatron shrugs. "And that's the question."

"And why is this even important? Who cares what happens in different timelines? We're not living in those. There's enough to worry about in our own."

"I don't know," Megatron replies. "When I go to sleep, I am able to talk to It. It's told me that I can find peace in all this knowledge."

Ryo looks back outside. "It sounds like it is just upsetting you."

"For now it is. But hopefully I can figure out something. I don't know. I just don't like the burden it is putting on you two. I've told It about what it is doing to you both, but It...just doesn't really seem to care."

"Maybe you are talking to something different," Starscream suggests. "Not the Universe."

A shrill, electric cry echoes through the room, radiating from Ryo's hip. Ryo demagnetizes his communication device from himself, holding up the screen to his eyes. His pupils quickly flick back and forth as he reads, their rate of movement becoming more hasty and furious as he continues. He places the device down and turns to Starscream, "It's Shockwave."

"Oh boy." Starscream holds out his hand, and Ryo places the device in his fingers. Starscream skims the message before handing the device back. "Ignore him."

"It's hard to." Ryo gets to his feet and meanders towards the door.

"Where are you off to?"

"Home. I want to get some proper rest. I might need some time alone tomorrow as well. Message me if you need help?"

"I will."

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now