Episode 30: A Fist

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"E-Everything? Mega, what does that mean?" Starscream looks up at Megatron, and a misty gust of wind flows into his mouth, the taste of rain creeping over his glossa.

Megatron goes back to absently sketching in the earth, his pupils shrinking and growing to exaggerated limits.

Starscream pushes himself up to his partner, his knees now touching Megatron's thigh. "Megatron, what does that mean?" His voice is stronger, more desperate. "Please...tell me."

Megatron remains unresponsive, his claws digging deeper and deeper into the ground.

Starscream grabs his hands, chunks of dirt and tiny roots falling from his grasp. "Megatron, what the fuck is going on?!"

Megatron sneers and pulls his hands away. He starts to draw quicker, his distant expression now more furious and exasperated.


"Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!!!" Spit flies from Megatron's teeth as he caterwalls, tears falling down his cheeks and staining the dark, exposed ground. He curls up one of his legs and stomps a foot, sending a surge of settled pollen and seed pods up in a heavy cloud.

Starscream scoots back, lowering his wings. "I will. I'm sorry."

Megatron wipes his tears away goes goes back to his drawing.

Starscream curls up next to Megatron and places his cheek on his bicep. He listens to the hushed gush of energon moving through the fuel lines within Megatron's skin. He places a light kiss on his blocky muscle before wrapping his arms around the crook of Megatron's elbow. He looks up at Megatron, who is now gazing down at him. His shoulder plate blocks his mouth, only leaving his wide, almost deranged, eyes to gaze down at him with utmost focus. The storm clouds forming in the sky start to billow overhead, their dark bodies cascading around Megatron's helm.

Starscream slowly pulls away, but to his surprise and comfort, Megatron hooks his arm around him, pushing him up against his warm torso. Starscream hugs Megatron's waist as he goes back to drawing in the muck, and splendid raindrops start to slither down Megatron's calves and forearms. Starscream shivers as the rain begins to pour around them, flooding the grassy plain beneath them. Starscream huddles closer to Megatron, shielding his face from the torrent.

"Everything is neverything and perfect as neverything should be," Megatron whispers as he drags his claws through the mud, wiping his sketches from sight.

"Hmm?" Starscream gazes up at his lover.

"Everything...is neverything. And perfect as neverything should be."

. . .

Shockwave sits with Ryo on the couch, and their soft whispers fill the room with scathing mutters. Starscream sits next to Megatron next to the active fireplace. Soon after the rainstorm started, Megatron got up and promptly ambled back to the house before plopping down in front of the hearth. Starscream filled in Shockwave and Ryo about what happened.

Shockwave had shaken his head before locking the front door, preventing anyone from leaving. He then sat down on one of the living room slabs, staring off without a word. Ryo seemed more fretful.

"What was he saying exactly?" Ryo asked, kneeding his hands at his chest.

"He said he saw everything. And that everything is neverything and neverything is perfect."

"What's neverything?"

Starscream shrugged before bursting into tears. "I don't know what's going on, Ryo."

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now