EPISODE 24 - A Favor

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Starscream stares out at Iacon in the distance, small movements of flying bots visible even from many miles away. Megatron paces about behind him as they rest from their small journey back from Shockwave's laboratory. The big bot is in deep contemplation, shifting through his mind about all the places that Shockwave could be. Even though he is reserved about going through Shockwave's diary, it is still clamped in his fingers for possible future reference. The communication device is magnetized to his waist, awaiting a response.

"Did Shockwave knew Ryo before yesterday?" Megatron asks, his feet still shuffling over upturned rocks.

"I doubt it. They didn't seem familiar with each other, and Ryo seemed very hesitant about Shockwave."

Megatron halts and plants his hands on his waist. His fingers thrum on his hips, each sharp finger making a small click. "They at least knew each other in passing. The entry that I, uh, read, it mentioned that Shockwave enountered a light blue mech in the woodlands who told him, 'that he could get a new face.' I have a clue about where they could be."

. . .

Starscream watches his translucent reflection peer back with mesmerized eyes as he walks by storefronts packed with display parts. Sometimes there would be just hands and cheap t-cog replacements, but other stores boasted full bodies equipt with lilac eyes and faux grins. Starscream feels a strange tingle go down his spine; it is uncanny to view uninhabited bodies. Cheery Cybertronians amble past through the streets of Iacon, some pausing to observe the parts they could only wish to afford. Others stare at the notorious duo before returning to their daily routine.

Megatron enters a shop with an impressive array of faces gleaming through the windows, and Starscream bustles after him. The store's air is clean and light with a slight stench of oil and burning metal. The aisles are semi-lit while the counter present in the back is flooded with pale light as a bot works on constructing someone's future face. Megatron makes a beeline for her station. The eyeless faces around Starscream mesmerize him, and he pauses to assess each one, admiring the skill to craft such unique visages.

The bot at the table places her soldering tools down as Megatron approaches. "Yes?"

"Have you seen a purple mech pass through here? About this tall," Megatron holds up a hand. "Uh, a victim of empurata?"

She shakes her head. "I just craft faces, not entire heads."

"Does anyone around here make heads?"

"Not that I know of. Mostly medical specialists will create and install those because they involve disconnecting and reconnecting the brain module." She turns back to her work. "Need anything else, Megatron?"

"Uh, no. Sorry." Megatron ambles back to Starscream, who is holding up a face to his own, trying it on like a mask. "Hear everything?"

Starscream looks up a him, the pits of the unanimated face housing his bright red eyes. "Yeah." He places the face back in its spot.

Megatron jumps as the communication device on his hip excitedly buzzes, and Starscream quickly snatches it and places it to his auditory receptor, ignoring Megatron's glower.

"Hello?" Starscream jeers, smiling up at the bristling mech.

"You were calling?" Shockwave grumbles.

"Oh, yes. Many times. It's almost as if we are in the midst of imminent planetary destruction and you're the only one who can really help us."

The bot in the back raises her head, now listening intently. Megatron waggles a hand at her, playing off Starscream's gripe as a joke, before bending down to listen closely to the coversation.

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now