EPISODE 26 - A Spark

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Starscream plops down at a desk tucked away in the corner of the room, a strong overhead light cascading over his brow. A large mirror is placed right above the desk, inviting him to gaze upon his tired yet energized face. He watches the mirrored image of Megatron examine the hotel room behind him, gently moving about small trinkets that decorate the nightstand between the two slabs. Megatron sits on the edge of one and returns the observational gaze that Starscream is indirectly casting his way.

"How do you feel?" Megatron asks.

Starscream swivels the chair towards his reestablished lover. "About what?"

Megatron shrugs his shoulders. "Anything. Specifically your tank."

"I feel good. No nausea...kind of glad to be back in the city. I like where we live, but I like all the noise." Starscream looks towards the curtained window, and the soft ambience of passing headlights trickles by through the metallic fabric. Starscream turns back to the mirror and plays with some flaking paint on his fingers, gently prying off the fading bits.

Starscream supresses a smirk as Megatron trods up behind him and places a graceful peck on the top of his head before ambling back off to rest.

The Seeker turns in his chair again, crossing his legs. "Nuh uh, come back," he coos, nibbling on his lip as a grand smile finally creeps over his face.

Megatron halts and looks innocently over his shoulder back at his beckoning partner. He dives into Starscream's command and walks sluggishly back to Starscream's chair. "Yeah?"

Starscream gently pats his lap.

Megatron cocks his head and raises his eyebrows. "I'll crush you, Scream."

"No, no. Put your head in my lap, silly."

Megatron sighs, feigning annoyance, as he delivers himself down to the floor, resting on his knees. He places his cheek upon Starscream's thighs, and he lets out a breath as Starscream's hand passes over the side of his head. The soothing pets kindle the fire boiling up in his chest, and he can feel the warmth radiating through his chassis. Starscream lifts a leg, letting his knee rub up and down Megatron's chest, causing his spark to pound harder and hotter.

"Now, what's got you feeling this way?" Starscream whispers, his voice alluringly mocking. "I knew you were burning up on the way to the hotel. I could feel the heat on my face." Starscream bends over, pressing his soft lips to one of Megatron's auditory receptors. A delicate smack comes from his mouth as he pulls away.

Megatron supresses a delighted shudder as he wraps his arms under Starscream's boxy knees. "I want you," Megatron breathes.

Starscream takes one of Megatron's hands into his own and places it on his chest. Megatron closes his optics as he feels his hands seared by the might of Starscream's own pulsating spark.

"The desire is mutual, Mega." Starscream runs his fingers lightly down Megatron's backstrut, and he giggles mischievously as his partner trembles.

Megatron moves his hands to Starscream's slender waist, wrapping his forearms behind his back, bringing him into a semi-hug. "Mmm, don't laugh..."

"Sorry, sorry. But I know you will chuckle at me..."

"Oh, I will. I'm more or less just playing."

"Here," Starscream leans back in his chair. "get up just a bit."

Megatron pulls himself into a tall kneel and rests his hands on the armrests, exposing his chest to the onlooking Seeker. Starscream places a hand on top of Megatron's fingers as he admires his partner's broad shoulders and slender waist. He hooks a leg around Megatron's hips and drags the chair closer. "What do you want me to do to you?"

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now