EPISODE 23 - A Confession

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"No wonder he's going mad," Starscream grumbles as he flips a lightswitch up and down, but the long glass tubes hovering overhead do not ignite with brilliant fury. "He's always working in the dark. He doesn't know if it is day or night."

Megatron grunts as he places the edge of a gigantic metal panel affixed to the wall into the crook of his shoulder. He pushes with all his might, and his feet slowly thunk forward as the panel squeals and shifts its position. Shafts of sunlight slowly band together and spill into the genius's laboratory, illuminating the corpses of abandoned projects and the lively bodies of operational mechanisms. Starscream wonders past worktables littered with what appear to him as junk, their curious forms snaking about and reflecting the sunlight Megatron invited into the cavernous room.

Starscream diverts his trek to the walls, where he follows them slowly, dragging a stubby finger along the paneling, feeling every ridge, bump, bolt, and crevace. His face comes in and out of focus and he passes through alternating areas of shadow and brilliance. Megatron tends to the workspaces that Starscream had dragged his gaze over, and he cautiously moves around wires and bits, aware that he is possibly altering a wonderous invention.

Starscream makes a little sound as his finger suddenly dips into nothingness, and he turns his head to the right to see a black void framed through a doorframe. He suppresses a sly giggle; oh, how he loves to infest areas that are not intended for his presence. Starscream wonders into the blackness, only the slight outlines of the single nightstand, its contents, and a slab are visible. There is no Cybertronian huddled upon the slab, desperate to hide itself from its visitors. Starscream settles down on it and looks out at the laboratory his comrade is venturing through.

Starscream diverts his attention to the feeble nightstand; it is simply a few plates of metal fused perfectly together, reminiscent of Shockwave's handywork. There is a small, rectangular outline upon the top, and Starscream reaches forward and clasps his hand around the mirrored illumination.

It's a book. An analog book, equipt with pages and a crumpled cover. Most Cybertronians write on a tablet, where all their thoughts are stored in a massive catalogue of their creation. Starscream flips the book open, letting the little leaflets fold over and pass by in a gust of wind that tickles his cheeks.

"What are you doing?"

Starscream looks up. Megatron stands near the doorframe, his red eyes burning into the bedroom.

Starscream huffs as he sluggishly gets to his feet. "I found something." He walks out into the heart of the laboratory and hands over the journal.

Megatron opens it to a middle section, and his optics lightly scan the page he blindly chose. His expression remains neutral before slowly converging into that of confusion and shock. Starscream watches with bewilderment as his spark thirsts for whatever information is entering the mind of Megatron. Megatron quickly shuts the book, startling the onlooking Seeker.

"It's a...diary," Megatron informs. "I...we shouldn't be reading this. Where did you find it?"

Starscream snorts before releasing a big, blasphemous chortle. "Shockwave? Shockwave? He has a diary?" Starscream wipes tears from his optics and he doubles over in his fit of humor. "Ugh, he got, heh heh, shadowplayed, though! He can't think like that anymore! You sure it isn't just lab notes?"

Megatron nods slowly, his optics wide.

Starscream extends his fingers slowly. "Lemme read it."

Megatron shakes his head and hides it behind his back. "I shouldn't have done what I did. We are invading his privacy."

Starscream lets his inhibitions control him. He sticks out his bottom lip and softens his eyes, letting the illusion of innocence take over. He drags a slow, sultry finger over Megatron's protruding chest as he rocks back and forth on his heels. "I know it's wrong," Starscream whines. "but maybe it will help us find him."

Starscream yelps as he is thrust to the ground.

Megatron backs away, his mouth agape. "Do not use the fact that I am still attracted to you to your advantage!" Megatron holds up the diary, his fingers trembling. "You are a manipulative, scheming, conniving bot! Shockwave would be thankful I am not letting you read this."

Starscream scowls and gets back up. "You didn't have to shove me like that!"

"I'm sorry. I just meant to push you away; I went too hard. But you started this! What is wrong with you? All this crying...is it just to get me to feel for you? Just so you can turn around and do this to me?"

Starscream's voice is trapped in his throat. What to say? To do? He grunts and crosses his arms before whipping around, turning his back to the bristling mech.

"So you're just going to ignore me?"

"I-I don't know what to say."

"Then turn around and tell me that."

Starscream rotates on his foot. "I don't know what to say," he mutters. His optics are locked on the floor, suddenly feeling shame bubble up inside. Fat tears roll down his nose and plop onto the floor.

Megatron sighs and crouches down so he can look up at the sniveling Seeker. "Tell me what's going on," Megatron commands comfortably, his voice warm like a purr.

"I-I just feel this...this lust come up in me every so often. I felt it last night, when you were sitting down and I wanted the communication device. Megatron, I still have feelings for you. Not just lust...it's just that is what I act on. I still feel appreciation for you and just," Starscream lets out a nervous chuckle. "the urge to cover you in kisses to show just an ounce of the amount of love I have for you. But I am questioning my feelings. And I know I need to control myself, because it is making you uncomfortable. And that's wrong of me to put you in a situation like that. I'm...I'm just trying to separate the faux Megatron from the real you. It's just...the same body has hurt me but also comforted me. And I know, I know, this you is not the liege I used to know. You are mortified by what happened between us during the war. And you would change it if you could."

Megatron nods. "I would change it all. I would have never started the war if I was who I am now. And you're right: your actions versus what you say is, to be honest, mostly just confusing me. You say you don't want to be with me and then, uh, try to seduce me?" Megatron holds up the diary. "If you want something, you don't have to charm me." Megatron smirks.

"Okay." Starscream returns the grin, his shy and reserved. "But I do have to ask: do you feel like you should commit yourself to me to make up for our...uh, war relationship?"

Megatron shakes his head. "I am genuinely attracted to you. You are smart, independent, a bit too pushy at some times, but I like it all."

"You like that I'm a brat?" Starscream tries to supress the large smile drifting across his face.

"I guess I do."

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now