EPISODE 25 - A Rekindling

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Megatron nibbles on an oil cake as he sits on the side of the road, the paper partially wrapped around it crinkling. His optics flick from one detail of the bustling city to another, and one of his feet bounces up and down. Starscream settles down beside him as he returns from the food vendor. Starscream pats Megatron's shoulder before diving in to his own treat.

"Why are you so startled?" Starscream inquires.

"I...I'm not sure. I never thought this would happen. It's just, it feels wrong? But even though a bot looking for affection is perfectly alright." Megatron wraps up the majority of the cake and sets it on the ground by his side. "I'm happy for them. I'm guessing they do get along, but Shockwave is just in a negative state right now, hence the spat. It's just he is changing all of a sudden; there was no build up."

"He cracked."

"Not exactly. He's becoming more like a Cybertronian than a machine. He's becoming more complex, and I guess I just never thought that would come from him."

"Hmm, it seems like you and him went through the same thing. Big bad bots suddenly becoming, well, people. Reasonable, but sometimes confused, people."

"You've changed, too," Megatron looks down at the Seeker munching away.

Starscream narrows his eyes as he chews on a mouthful of cake, his gaze locked on a spot in the distance. He looks up at Megatron. "How so?"

Megatron smirks. How does he not know? "You're calmer, more caring."

Starscream grunts, annoyed, and whips back towards staring off into the city.

"Do you not like that?"

Starscream sighs before leaning his head against Megatron's bicep. "I love you," he whispers.

Megatron wraps his arm around the cuddling Seeker, dragging him up next to his side. "I love you, too," Megatron purrs back. His thumb rests on Starscream's thigh, gently rubbing his shiny skin. "But do you not like to be called caring?"

"I don't know. It's just new." Starscream finishes off his cake and crinkles up the paper in his fist. He points to Megatron's abandoned treat. "Are you gonna finish that?"

Megatron hands it too him. "Just don't get sick on me."

"I won't." Starscream unwraps the ripped packaging, and his spark flutters as his tongue touches where Megatron had bit into it, some of his saliva still present.

Megatron looks up at the sky, now changing colors and transforming into a flushed spectrum of pinks and cherry. "Do you want to find a hotel to stay the night at?"

The Silent Light - Part 2 (A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now