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Saturday is not a good day to get sick, it's a day to enjoy and have fun, I know. However, what do I do with this terrible migraine that consumes me and makes me worthless? Not even God knows how much medications I took since yesterday. If crying wouldn't make my pain worse, I'd be crying. Even if it doesn't resolve anything immediately, I wish I could cry.

I'm laying face down, there's a pillow covering my eyes. A simple light like from a cell phone seems to take me closer to death, so much more the sunlight. Thank God Zaynie is massaging my foot, this can bring me a little relief.

"You know that I'm not going anywhere, right?" She whispers.

"Babe, no. You should go to your party, I'll be fine." My voice sounds slurred. All my body effort is to bear the pain.

Zaynie came here a couple minutes ago, they was at another place during the morning.

"Fucking no." We lost the touch, but I'm not able to watch what she's doing. "Do you have boldo?"


"I'm going to my place to pick some, I'll be right back. Please call me if you feel worse or something." Her hand is on my shoulder now, her voice is closer.


"I'll be pretty fast, gonna bring your keys with me."

I do some agreeing sound. I can hear my bedroom door opening and closing, then the gates. At this point I can't contain my eyes from crying. I would really appreciate to know what triggered my migraine, it had been months since the last crisis. I don't think I ate something different or was too anxious. This would made more sense if did happened a couple days ago, not now.

Zaynie comes back really quick, as promised, and seems to be talking to someone. Maybe she's at the phone with Niall or someone. Anyways, it took a while 'til they got inside my bedroom.

"Li?" Their soft voice calls me I don't know how much later, and I murmur in response. Sweet illusion that I could be able to take a nap. "Sit up to drink the tea."

I sit up slowly feeling kinda dizzy 'cause of this pressure in my head. Damn, such a hellish pain!

"Yes, honey." She hands me a mug. "The tea is cold and tastes bitter. Just to prepare you."

What could be worse than this pain? I drink all of the tea at once, followed by a cold water glass. For being relatively comfortable, I choose to keep sitting up.

"Soon you'll feel pretty better." Zy says, sitting by my side, a hand on mine. "Also... you have visitor."

"Visitor?" I frown. "Who's there?"

"Your parents. When I got back they were at their car, in front of here. They were trying to contact you."

"Did they treated you bad?"

"No, no. But I didn't say who I am."

I rest my head on this pillow behind me, closing my eyes for a while. I'm feeling exhausted, zero condition to socialize. Once again, tears are falling down. I don't know if it's because of pain or nervousness. Both, probably.

"I told them that you have a migraine, but they insisted to come in."

"That's OK, babe. Thanks."

"NxXxghh! NxXxghh! NxXxghh! NxXxghh!" I hear Zaynie sneezing, blowing the air at the end.

"Bless you, babe." I sniffle pressing my eyes. The room illumination comes only from my curtain gaps.

"Thanks." Zy gets up and sits in another position, massaging my foot again.

[eng] Leave My Shit Outside ; ZiamWhere stories live. Discover now