It just takes some getting used to

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tw: mentions of suicide, as previously mentioned this is a running theme, if that's a problem please stop reading.

Pip's POV
I don't remember much after saying that. I do remember running though. I ran out of the boy's house, back towards the gates of Hell. I felt tears well in my eyes, but I refused to let them spill.

I just kept running.

Eventually, I slowed down, walking out of the gates and finding a secluded spot amongst the rocks and fire.

Why did I tell him that.

I thought, over and over. I replayed the moment in my mind. The look that passed over his face. The way his eyes seemed to dim a little. I rubbed my arm, trying to ease the ache. He had said that eventually the pain would subside, but who knew how long that'd take.

I pressed my back to the rocks behind me, closing my eyes and letting the tears slip down my cheeks. Everything was so... Overwhelming.

"Fuck.. Why is being dead so hard?" I cried, gripping my hair and tugging gently. I breathed deeply, opening my eyes and looking around. All I saw was rocks and fire. I really was alone. And lost.

I sighed, wondering how I'd get out of this mess. How did I contact someone to tell them I was lost? Did I call, or was there some kind of mind message ththing

I groaned, hiding my head in my knees. Of course I would mess up this badly. First I throw up and pass out in some random cute boy's house, then I tell him my darkest secret and run away, and then I get lost in the depths of hell with no way to communicate or call for help. Perfect.

Damien's POV
For a second, I just sat there, kind of stunned. Then I stood up and walked after him. Being his guide and all that, I could see his footsteps on the ground, I knew where he was going. I followed the trail slowly, unbothered and honestly, trying to give him some space.

I eventually found him, curled up in some random cove out of the gates. I sat next to him, pressing my head against the wall and closing my eyes.

"You don't have to talk to me about it," I started, opening one eye and glancing at him, "But if you'd like to, I'm here for you."

He turned his head to face me, still resting against his knees.

"Why would you want to know? I thought you saw thousands like me everyday?"

Fuck. Why did I say that?

"Well, you're interesting. And I'm your guide, so it's different. I do see a ton like you, but I never get to talk to them. Just watch as they pass with other people."

He looked at me for a second, before burying his face back into his knees. I closed my eyes again.

"You're just doing your job, you don't actually care."

I heard him say, his response muffled by his knees.

"Look, being a guide isn't a job. It's more like having a friend while you get settled in, and after that if you so wish. I just... Don't get on with people well, so I make it seem like a job to make it more bearable." I mumble.

There's silence for a little. A cold, awkward silence.

"You know, I killed myself too." I say. I'm not sure why I say it, or what my aim is, but it's too late now.

"You did?" He asks, but he doesn't sound interested. He sounds skeptical.

"Yeah. About 6 months ago. But I've been in and out of hell since forever, with Satan being my dad and all."

I open my eyes, looking over at the little blonde boy. His face is still buried in his knees, but I can tell he's trying not to cry. I roll my eyes silently and shuffle closer to him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

"It's gonna be ok now. It just takes some getting used to."

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