Pinky promise

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Damien's POV
I woke up in Phillip's lap. My arms around his neck, his arms around my waist. My head on his shoulder, his head pressed against the rock behind us. I didn't want to move.

Something about him was just so.... Comforting. He made me feel safe, loved. Something I hadn't felt in ages. It's times like these, where the world is quiet around me and I have time to think, that I regret what happened. And for a moment I want to go back and change it. But then I think again and wonder whether it'd really make a difference. Maybe if I hadn't that day, I would've the next. Or the next week. Who knows.

I couldn't change the past, but the future was mine to control. And I wanted to make it as amazing as my life should've been.

I sighed and hid my face in the crook of Phillip's neck, my breath hitting his skin. I moved my arms from around his neck, instead placing my hands on his chest, clinging to the clothes he wore. A white button up over the top of a red hoodie, with wide legged jeans. I caught myself smiling, remembering what I'd promised myself. I was going to be harsher. He probably didn't want anything to do with me, after all, I was the reason he was down here.

Truth be told, Phillip was meant to go to Heaven, but I'd begged my Father to speak with God, even offering to repent and apologize to all the mortals I'd tormented. Luckily, God didn't seem to care too much about sending Phillip to me. But because he would've remembered the conversation and discussion of me pleading to send him to Hell, we'd had to wipe his memory. So he didn't remember me.

But he did now.

Kind of.

He stirred beneath me, his arms falling from my waist, resting either side of himself, his hands pressed on the floor. I smiled and sat up a little, slowly crawling off of him. I sat next to him, gently pulling him to lay down, resting his head on my thighs. I played with his hair as he slept, blissfully unaware of the storm going on in my head.

I closed my eyes frustratedly, hitting my head on the wall behind me. Over and over. My head began to ache. Until something came between me and the rock. My eyes slowly cracked open, meeting Phillip's icy blue ones.


One simple word. That's all it took for me to realize how bad I was down.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine Phillip."

My hand shot over my mouth. Shit. Oops. I broke eye contact, looking at the floor, desperately searching for an excuse.

"Did you just call me Phillip?"

"That's your name isn't it?"

"Yeah, but you usually call me Pip. Because you hate me."

"I don't hate you."

I quite like you actually.

But I don't say that.

"You don't?" He asks, his eyes shining with hope. My heart melts a little.

I roll my eyes at him,
"I suppose not. Don't let it get to your head." I mutter.

I look back at him, his eyes are still shining, he's grinning like an idiot. A really cute idiot. He's moved his hand from behind my head, and he's rearranged. He's sitting in my lap, both hands in his lap. I rest my hands on his hips, smirking at him. He looks away, pulling his hood over his face. I chuckle, still smiling. So easily flustered. I pull him closer to me, to a point he's basically straddling me. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder, missing the feeling of his arms around me. His hands fall onto my shoulders as he pushes me back up to face him. I meet his eyes, my hands settled on his hips.

And for some reason, we both lean in, our lips meeting. We kiss, gently, pulling away a second later. He can't meet my eyes, blushing furiously. I smirk, taking hold of his chin and gently pulling him to look at me. I lean in again, kissing him softly. He melts into the kiss instantly, his hands tangling into my hair, pulling gently. I push into him, making him fall back onto the floor, crawling on top of him. My hand slips under his shirt, making him gasp. I take the chance to slip my tongue into his mouth.

He pulls away, panting a little. I press my forehead to his, closing my eyes. Fuck. He was just as perfect as he was in life. Maybe even more so in death. We pulled away, leaving an inch, maybe two between our faces.



He closes his eyes for a second, breathing hard. When he opens his eyes again, they're full of something I can't distinguish.

"I really fucking love you, Damien."

"Mhm? I really fucking love you too, Phillip."

He pulls me in again, kissing me roughly. I kiss back, electric shocks racing through my veins.

Fuck I've missed him.

We part, gasping for air. He rolls us over, pinning me under his grip.

"Promise you won't leave this time." He begs. I tuck his hair out of his face and plant a kiss on his nose.

"I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

He smiles softly and leans back in, kissing me again. My hands cup his face, his hands rest either side of my chest.

God I've missed him.

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