Happy Anniversary

187 9 11

Damien's POV

I wanted to surprise Phillip for our anniversary. It had been 1 year and 6 months together, and throughout that time we'd been on countless dates. Ice skating to sky diving, picnics to fancy restaurants, shopping to watching movies. We'd done it all. But I wanted this to be special. Like the star gazing date. Something that would really show just how much I cared.

I had no idea what to do though. There wasn't one date I could think of that we hadn't done. I was sat in a room with his pathetic mortal friends trying to conjure up ideas. God, being here with the was more of a hellhole than actually living in Hell.

"What about sky diving?"

"I told you, we've already done that AND  he's scared of heights."

"Horse back riding?"

"I'm allergic to animal fur."


"Honestly Pocket, sometimes I think you're more stupid than Damien."


But she was right. We had been here for hours and not one of us could think of anything.

"Can't you just repeat a date?"
Estella persisted, scrunching up yet another piece of paper to throw at me.

"Can't you just not be stupid?"
I retaliated, setting the paper on fire before it could reach me.


"Phillip? With a bow? Are you kidding?"

"I don't know then. We've thought about everything."

"Just get him a gift or something. Take him to a nice spot and have a simple dinner. Give him the most amazing, sweetest most thoughtful gift and call it a night."

"You guys are useless."

"Do you have a better idea?"



"What would I even get him? You know he doesn't care for expensive gifts or jewellery. He doesn't like flowers, he never asks for new clothes, he doesn't read majorly or draw or sew or anything like that."

"Write him a letter or something. Something heartfelt, meaningful. Something he'll cherish forever."

I sigh. But with a lack of better ideas I agree.

"Do you even know how to write a love letter?"

"Are your standards of me really that low? Of course I can write a love letter."

"Right. Okay."

"...actually, could you help me?"


(^Time skip because I'm lazy and unmotivated!^)

It only took three hours of writing and yelling to finish the first paragraph. And another three hours later we had an almost finished letter.

Once I had got the hang of it, Estella had trusted me to finish it off while she went to set up our date. She had chosen a spot by Stark's pond to set a blanket and some rose petals. A simple candlelight date with some stargazing and gift exchanging. I didn't trust her not to try and sabotage it, but I had a letter to write, so I had no choice.

In all honesty, it took a lot of work and effort to try and write it. I wasn't used to expressing myself through words. I usually just gave gifts or did little acts of service, or random acts of physical affection. Anything but actually expressing myself through words. But I knew how much it would mean to Phillip, so I sucked it up and suffered.

Once I was finished, I place it carefully in a sealed envelope and headed to our spot. He was already waiting for me by the time I got there.

"Oh, hello Damien!"

He called cheerily. God, he was always so happy to see me. It was adorable.

"Hello Phillip."

I greeted, sitting next to him. I clutched the letter with one hand, waiting for the perfect time to give it to him. I wanted to just rush it and get it over with, but I knew that would ruin this moment. So I waited.

"Thank you for inviting me out today."

"Of course. It is our anniversary after all."

"Oh yes! Happy anniversary. I got you something."
He smiled, offering me a small wrapped box. I set the letter on the blanket next to me and gently took the box. I glanced at him, before hesitantly pulling the paper off of it. Inside was a tiny cardboard box. And inside of that was a small silver locket. I recognized it instantly as the necklace he had tried to give me in life, a few days before my death. I had refused it because I knew that I wouldn't be alive long enough to cherish it.

"...Thank you."

"You're welcome. Would you like a hand to put it on?"

I shook my head softly, setting the box down next to me.

"I'll put it on in a moment. I want to give you your gift first."

I hand him the envelope shyly.

"Oh, thank you Damien."

I watched as he opened it and carefully pulled out the letter. I observed his reaction as he read it. By the time he was done, he was near tears. But I could tell they were good ones.

"Oh Damien."

I opened my arms for him, offering him a hug. He instantly accepted. I stroked his hair gently as he clung to me.

"Thank you so much."
He muttered, still holding onto me tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


The letter:

Dear Phillip,

I am not the best at wording, but I shall try my hardest for you.

Since that fateful day I met you in school, I had my eyes set on you. You were so lively and colourful. A spark of light in the gloom of my life. As we both know, I'm not the best at expressing my emotions, and for that I am sorry. But by high school I was able to express myself, at least a little better.

Everyday I saw you was the best day of my life, and everyday I didn't was the worst. I tried to show you just how much you meant to me, as often as possible. Even in death I was hung up on you, unable to think of anyone else but you. The day you fell into my arms was possibly the best day of my entire death.

To this day I can still remember the look in your eyes, the look on your face when you finally recognized me. I had never been happier.

Although we are dead, you proceed to be the light of my life, the joy to my gloom. Everything reminds me of you. Warm weather, the colour blue, the stars, the moon, fireflies and butterflies, the spring and the summer, the sound of birds in the earlier morning.

You are my moon, sun and stars. And I will love you forever and always.



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