Do you remember now?

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Pip's POV
I yelled after him, trying to follow. But Satan, that son of a bitch, pulled me back.

"Best to leave him. He needs his space."

I tried to fight him, but being about 9ft and a giant demon it was clearly a losing battle. I subsided, falling limp on the floor, crying. I finally remembered, I finally knew who he was, I finally understood, and he'd been taken from me.

Or had I been taken from him?

Eventually, Satan released me, letting me fall completely on the floor, storming off in his own direction. The second he left the room, I stood, chasing after my past lover, my angel from another life. I had no idea where he'd go, what hiding places he knew, what coves there were to discover. But I had an idea.

I followed the steps I'd taken on my second faithful day(?) here, finding the small cove under the rocks. I stood outside for a second, listening intently. Soft cries and sniffs came from the cave, sounds I'd never imagined hearing from Damien. I crouched at the opening, peering in.

Sure enough, he sat there, curled into a ball, sobbing quietly. I crawled under the rocks, kneeling next to him. I didn't say anything, didn't touch him, just sat there, unsure. Luckily for me, I didn't have to decide what to do. Without looking at me or even vaguely in my direction, he fell into me, his head on my shoulder. On instinct, I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close. I just let him cry, rubbing his back soothingly. It was weird seeing someone you saw as strong and powerful and untouchable break down. But it was reality.

Everyone has a breaking point, and his was losing me.

I wiped the tears from my earlier crying session, composing myself. I ran my hands through his hair, humming softly as he cried. I hummed a song, our song. The song we'd sing to each other when we needed comfort.

It worked, he slowly calmed down, the sobbing subsiding as he hid his face in my shoulder. He began singing the song, softly, his voice hoarse and breaking.

(fyi, when I wrote this I was thinking of Meet me at our spot, it's a very good song 10/10)

I continued to hum the melody, until the end. He didn't speak when the song ended, just hid his face, his arms around my shoulders now. I hugged him back, clinging to him. He didn't say anything, and I didn't know what to say, so the air was oddly quiet.

I laid on the floor, letting him lie on top of me, still holding onto me as though I'd disappear. The thought of him worrying about me leaving made me cling to him harder. I'm fairly sure it was hard for him to breathe with how tight I was holding him. His body felt limp in my arms, his breath deepened. He was fighting to stay awake.

I loosened my grip on him, my arms growing slack around him. He didn't move though, just stayed holding onto me. I let him.

"Do you remember now?" He mumbled, his voice barely a whisper.

"Mhm." I replied, playing with his hair.

"Ok." He said, shuffling in my arms. I sat up again, leaning my back against the wall of the cove. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. I wiped the tears from his face. He crawled to me, sitting in my lap, his legs wrapped around my waist. I wrapped my arms around him, letting him rest on my shoulder. I felt his body relax as his breathing grew heavier. I closed my eyes, pressing my head against the rock behind me. His head fell onto my shoulder as he fell asleep. My arms tightened around him, holding him close, desperate to lower chances of separation.

From now on, I wasn't going to let us get separated. Not in life, not in death.

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