The end?

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Damien's POV
So. That was that. My dad never bothered us again, he sought help and got his temper under control, managing to return to the harmless gay sweetheart he was when I was 8.

Phillip recovered quickly from the trauma, and although neither of us ever got a solid answer as to why it happened, we were glad it was over.

His foster mother became a better person, but she still wound up in hell, in the chamber for intolerant people. She didn't even cry, just nodded and accepted her fate.

My dad resigned, I took over the throne, with Phillip at my side. We visit the mortal realm regularly, it's amazing. We even got engaged, although it took 4 proposals for him to say yes.

"Are you sure, like, 100% certain that I'm not going to get murdered if I say yes?"

"I'm sure Phillip."



"... I don't believe you."

"Phillip please, this is the third time."

"Maybe next time?"

I'm glad he said yes the fourth time, because it meant I got to see if the ring actually fit him.

It was made of pure sapphire, studded with small crystals and painted with liquid silver. I had our initials carved into the inside, to forever remind him of me.

He eventually regained all his memories, including the ones of me begging God. He teased me relentlessly for at least a week, refusing to drop it until I promised to walk him up the stairway to heaven.

When Phillip got there, an angel took him straight up, leaving me stranded at the top of the stairway. I'm not even sure how I was able to climb it, now that I think about it. But when Phillip came back, oh god. He was dressed in white, had the softest angel wings and a fuzzy ring of light around his head. And a crown.

Turns out that opposites really do attract, because Phillip is the ruler of heaven. Funny, right?

Our wedding is on February 14th, and to my despair, Phillip insisted on having it in the mortal realm.

No matter, I can't wait to wed my beautiful lover, and to rule our worlds for eternity to come.

Looks like we really were a match made in hell.


horrible ending, I know, but im lazy and i have 4 stories to write 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
This isn't the official ending, I have 3 more chapters planned 😃

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