One more time

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Pip's POV
I sob hysterically in his arms, my body shaking. What the actual fuck just happened? Is it going to happen again? What if I lose him? What if he loses me? Why did that happen? Was that a punishment? Am I safe yet? Will I ever be safe?

"Hey, hey. It's ok now Phillip. I got you.." He mumbles, stroking my hair gently. His words bring me back from the depths of my mind. And in that moment, I'm safe.

I bury myself into his arms, sobbing softly as he rocks me gently, holding my tightly against him. He hums the tune of our song in an attempt to calm me down. I breathe deeply, trying desperately to calm down. He kisses the top of my head, whispering reassurance to me.

"It's ok.. It's ok.. It's over now darling... All over.."

And so on. My breathing slowly regulates and the tears dry as he holds me. My body feels limp, the crying and running and yelling exhausting me. I felt myself slowly losing consciousness, slipping into a sleep in his arms.


Hours must've passed since I fell asleep. It's still the same lightness as it always is, but I can tell it must be late at night. Some part of me craves to see the nightsky again. I prop myself up on my elbows, looking around the room. Damien is laying on the sofa, his arm hanging off the side. I must've been on top of him, my head on his chest. His other arm is draped loosely around my waist. I smile and gently maneuver out of his clasp, sitting on the floor thoughtfully.

Is there a way to see the mortal world again? Could Damien maybe take me?

"Phillip?" He asks, his voice thick with sleep.

"I'm here." I mumble, crawling to sit in front of him. His eyes are barely open, full of sleep and worry. But then he sees me and he smiles. He reaches a hand out and cups my face, rubbing gentle circles into my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Are you ok?" He asks, closing his eyes again.

"Yeah, just thinking."

"About what?"

"I wanna see the stars. Just one more time."

His hand drops away from my face, and he rolls onto his stomach. For a second I think he's going back to sleep, but then he rubs his eyes and stretches a bit. He sits up and looks at me. I feel my expression soften at the sight of him.

He has a bed head, his hair sticking up at odd angles. His eyes and sleep filled, they glint in the light. His clothes are ruffled and creased. He somehow looks even cuter after waking up.

"I can make that happen. If you want."

"That'd be nice." I say, sitting next to him, wrapping my arms around him loosely. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, combing my hair with his fingers.

"You know, there's meant to be a meteor shower tomorrow. I'll take you then, yeah?"

I nod, yawning quietly. He pushes me back on the sofa, forcing me to lay down. He rests his head on my chest, his arms around my waist. I play with his hair gently, closing my eyes again. I feel his body go limp as he falls asleep again. I relax, letting myself fall back to sleep.

In the back of my mind, I'm scared that we'll be put back in the loop. But somewhere deep inside, I know as long as I can find Damien, I'll be ok.

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