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Pip's POV
We fell asleep on that roof, but we didn't wake up there. We woke up in the Void. Again.

The second I realized we were separated and lost I started hyperventilating. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see, I couldn't hear. All I could do was cry.

I knew that we were in the same space, just far enough away. I hoped that maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to hear me and he'd come find me. That maybe he was in this lonesome abyss with me. But sadly, it wasn't him that found me. It was me.


Damien's POV
I woke up to Phillip gone. I was laying on my Father's sofa as well.

"Well, good morning son."

He called cheering, as though nothing was the matter.

"Where is he?"

"Where is who?"

"Don't play it dumb. Where is Phillip?"

I demanded, sitting up and rubbing my head. I saw the disfigured body of Phillip's foster mother from the abyss. It was merely a prop.

"What did you do?"

I asked, my voice sharp, cutting through the air.

"I'm just... Teaching him a lesson?"

"What lesson?!"

I shouted. I was on my feet and prepared for a fight, even if I knew he would win.

"Well, you see son-"

"Don't call me that."

"Ok son. Now, where was I. Ah, yes. See, Phillip and you have been getting awful close. Not that I have a problem with you being gay for each other or whatever sickening lovey dovey shit you call it. But you've been... Changing. Becoming nicer. More polite. And you see son, the next king of Hell simply can't be... Nice. So I sent Phillip away to learn a little lesson about toying with your head. It's quite harmless really.. Well, as long as he can run fast."

My mind raced. What did he mean, 'as long as he could run fast'?

Where was Phillip?
Was he ok?
Could I help him?
Was it my fault?
Was he safe?
Was he thinking of me, wondering where I was to save him?

"See, you're doing it again. You're empathizing with that pathetic mortal."

"Go fuck yourself. Where is he?"

"I don't know son, is he here, is he there? We may never know."

I saw red.

"Enough. Listen here you scheming good for nothing dickhead. If you don't tell me where he is and stop this fucking nonsense, I will end you. Do you understand?"

My voice level rivalled his. My body felt like it was burning. My face was scrunched into a frown. I must've looked somewhat intimidating, because he just pointed meekly to a small Woden door. I flipped him off and carefully peered inside. I saw Phillip, bound by rope, most likely drugged, crying and hyperventilating.

I wedged the door open so he couldn't lock me up too, and carefully collected Phillip, carrying him back to our cabin.

"Don't ever talk to me again. Don't contact me, don't even think about me. You are dead to me."

A match made in hell (SP//Dip)Where stories live. Discover now