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Pip's POV
I couldn't be happier, walking back to the gates of Hell, Damien's hand holding mine. I was just so happy that I'd found my lost lover, that I could remember him again. We passed Satan's house quickly, not wanting to chance it with him. We didn't even look at my house, instead, walking straight into Damien's.

"Our house." He'd mumbled sleepily, pushing me onto the sofa and crawling on top of me. He rested his head on my chest, breathing heavily, drifting slowly to sleep. I didn't mind, playing with his hair until I was sure he was asleep, peacefully unaware of the world.

I soon fell asleep too, thoughts restlessly tossing about my head.

A wave of nausea hit me the second I woke up. The room was dark, as though it were night. But that wasn't possible. There wasn't a daylight cycle in Hell, there was no day or night, it was just a constant state of midday. My head spun, dizziness joining the nausea. Damien was no longer laying on top of me. I sat up, desperately searching the room for him. I couldn't see much, just vague outlines.

"Damien?" I whispered, not daring to move. The silence was deafening. I gulped loudly, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Damien!" I called, my voice louder, but somehow still quiet in the still room. It was like there was an invisible presence, drowning out the sounds anything made. My heart beat rapidly in my chest.

"Damien, this isn't funny." I called, hesitantly putting my feet on the floor. My socks immediately soak something up, but I dare not think what it might be. I grimace, but I take a few hesitant steps. The room feels like it's spinning around me, I can't see, I can't hear. I feel disoriented. It's almost like something is covering my eyes. I drag my nails over my face, trying to pull off whatever is stopping my vision, but nothing comes away. The sound of dripping water fills my ears, the endless echo driving me insane.

"DAMIEN." I scream, my voice hoarse.


A wave of nausea hit me the second I woke up. The room was dark, as though it were night. But that wasn't possible. There wasn't a daylight cycle in Hell, there was no day or night, it was just a constant state of midday. My head spun, dizziness joining the nausea. Damien was no longer laying on top of me. I sat up, desperately searching the room for him. I couldn't see much, just vague outlines.

"Damien?" I whispered, not daring to move. The silence was deafening. I gulped loudly, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Damien!" I called, my voice louder, but somehow still quiet in the still room. It was like there was an invisible presence, drowning out the sounds anything made. My heart beat rapidly in my chest.

"Damien, this isn't funny." I called, hesitantly putting my feet on the floor. My socks immediately soak something up, but I dare not think what it might be. I grimace, but I take a few hesitant steps. The room feels like it's spinning around me, I can't see, I can't hear. I feel disoriented. It's almost like something is covering my eyes. I drag my nails over my face, trying to pull off whatever is stopping my vision, but nothing comes away. The sound of dripping water fills my ears, the endless echo driving me insane.

"DAMIEN." I scream, my voice hoarse.


I wake up, the same place, the same feelings plaguing me. I don't move. How many times must I relive this loop?

I wait, listening hard to the void around me. And soon enough, the water begins dripping. I follow the sound, running hopefully towards the source. My legs carry me through the liquid. As I run, I notice it rising around my ankles, slowly but steadily. My eyes blur, and for a second I'm scared I'm about to restart the loop. But I don't. I eventually gain focus, stopped in front of a large altar. On top of it, my foster mother lays.

She's been mutilated. Her eyes have been gauged out of her head, the blood dried and crusty around the empty sockets. Her fingers have been pulled apart, probably at the joints, and are now abnormally long. Her legs are bent backwards, her ribcage inverted, each individual rib sticking out of her back.

The nausea increases, and I have to double over. I refuse to vomit though, for fear of anything restarting the loop. I force myself to look around the altar, hoping for a note or instructions.

But this isn't a movie, so there aren't any. I stare hopelessly, listening to her blood drip into the liquid below me. It's at my knees now, raising steadily. I wonder if it'll ever stop. I stare at her body more, almost about to give up. In a ditch attempt to escape whatever time loop daydream I'm stuck in, I climb the altar, scraping all the skin off my knees as I go. I reach the top, standing over her body. I look around, watching hopelessly as the liquid rises up the tower.

"DAMIEN!" I scream, tears welling in my eyes.


I wake up, the same place, the same feelings plaguing me. I don't move. How many times must I relive this loop? I listen for the sound of dripping blood again, but instead, I hear the desperate plea of myself, from a few seconds ago. I run towards the noise, tripping and falling into the rising liquid multiple times. I reach the altar, seeing myself standing atop, calling helplessly.

I climb the altar, standing opposite myself. My eyes widen, and so do his.

"What the fuck."

A match made in hell (SP//Dip)Where stories live. Discover now