Meteor shower

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note: this will probably be very song based (Meteor shower ~ Cavetown) so if you wanna listen to that while reading that'd be cool

Damien's POV
I took Phillip to the mortal world early in the morning. Mostly so he could explore, and visit people he wanted to see, but also because I needed time to find and set up the perfect spot for stargazing. I had decided to take him to the church roof, overlooking the graveyard so that he could be close to his parents again.

It was either a genius or idiotic idea.

I summoned some blankets and pillows to the roof, setting up a little nest for us. It was the middle of summer, but the weather was still atrocious and cold. I made sure to grab an umbrella as a precaution, just in case it rained. I intended to stay on the roof with Phillip until the next morning, meaning we would be sleeping there, if he wanted to.

Once all was set and ready, I set off to visit a certain someone. I just hoped that Phillip wasn't there.


Her eyes shot to me. She scrambled to sit up, her back pressed into the arm of the sofa.

"Please, please, I haven't hurt anyone or anything, I've been sobering up, I've been repenting please I'm sor-"


She nodded desperately. Her eyes brimmed with tears, her lip trembling with fear.

I saw severe bruising around her jaw where I'd dislocated it. Her fingers were heavily taped with medical tape, and there were countless old bandaged strewn across the floor. It must've hurt like Hell to talk, let alone garble like she had.

"I'm not here for that. I'm here to ask a favour."

"Of course, anything."

"Tell me, what's Phillip's favourite colour. I would say red, but I want to be sure."

"It's not red. Red was his ex lover's favourite colour. After he died, Pip would only wear red."


For some reason, this information made butterflies erupt in my stomach. It wasn't meant to be a cute thing, at all, it was a thing of grieving. But the idea of Phillip thinking about me, even after I'd died, made me warm and fuzzy. In a sick, twisted way.

"I think, from what I remember, his favourite colour was blue."


"Any particular shade?"

"Um... Deep blue. Maybe a sapphire kind of colour."

I nodded. Sapphire. That was an idea.

"Apologies for your jaw by the way, it must be utterly agonizing to talk." I smirked, not feeling one bit sorry.

She simply nodded.

"I'll be off, take it easy now. Wouldn't want anymore broken bones."

With that I left, slamming the door behind me. I meandered down the path towards the gate, pondering what kind of sapphire blue gift I could get my love. Speaking of, I wondered where he was. Who was he visiting? Old friends? Family? Perhaps even the group of dickheads who bullied him?

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