~.+A Dusty Start+.~

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Cough, cough.

(Y/N) let out a smoky cough as she was busted through the fireplace of a random shop, making the shopkeeper jump in surprise.

(Y/N) stood up and shook the coal bits and dust off of her robes, and picked up her bag that was lying on the floor near her. As she tidied her messy hair, she dipped her head to the still startled shopkeeper.

"I'm sorry for the mess." (Y/N) apologized, looking at the messy floor that was dusty and black. The shopkeeper sighed and waved her wand, which immediately tidied the mess up.

"No problem." she said. "I may look shocked, but trust me, I get this scenario played again and again quite regularly."

(Y/N) nodded awkwardly and exited the shop, bidding farewell to the shopkeeper, knowing that she would end up on the floor of the same shop next year.

As she exited the shop, sunlight shone down the narrow street and made (Y/N) clench her eyes shut as the light bounced off of every shiny object it came by.

This sixth year Ravenclaw student was (Y/N) (L/N). She was quite a smart student who was always focused on her studies. Many of her friends called her a bookworm, which (Y/N) didn't really mind.

(Y/N) took a notebook out from her pocket and looked at the things she had to buy. It was the sixth year of Hogwarts, and the sixth time she had come to this place.

Diagon Alley.

It was always nice to come back to such a familiar place, but it was also tiring. Since her house was far away from the Leaky Cauldron, she always had to use Floo Powder.

Honestly, it wasn't very pleasing to get launched out of another person's fireplace with soot all over your face every once in a year.

(Y/N) first went to Gringotts and got her money, and then she started to do some shopping. She was always very careful while spending her money, since her family wasn't the richest.

(Y/N) looked around at the many shops that surrounded her, ticking the things off she had already bought on her notebook with her quill.

"Quills, check. New books, check. Some money, check....and...ah! I still need to buy a new cauldron."

'Since the last one got fried by that Gryffindor, Seamus.' she thought sourly, hating the fact that she had to use her money on a thing that she wouldn't have had to buy if it wasn't for somebody else breaking it.

As she entered the cauldron shop, she saw several other students there. She suspected that they were all first years, since they were shorter and..younger.

But amongst them, she saw a tall boy about her age with a broomstick held firmly in his hand, and a Hufflepuff prefect badge worn on his robes. He too was buying a cauldron, and as he bought it, he looked at (Y/N) for a split second before exiting the shop.

(Y/N) frowned and ignored him, and went to buy her own cauldron.

~.+September 1st+.~

(Y/N) put the last of her books into her suitcase and put it on her trolley, along with her owl and owl cage. As she walked through King's Cross, she found Platform 9, and ran through the wall, like always.

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