~.+A New Friendship+.~

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Sunshine shone through the gap of the dormitory window, and (Y/N) opened her tired eyes, greeting the weekends with pleasure and reassurance. She was looking forward to a day without that much studying.

After all, she had studied all week; both day and night. (Y/N) woke Cho up and they both headed to the Great Hall with their Ravenclaw robes on.

Then, a Gryffindor student came up to them and waved sheepishly, avoiding their gaze. It was the famous Harry Potter; Ronald and Hermione was behind him, too.

"Good m-morning, Cho..." Harry stammered, his cheeks flushing red. Before Cho could reply, he almost sprinted away, making (Y/N) blink in confusion.

"What's wrong with him?" she muttered, making Cho smile.
"He must be nervous, that's all." she replied, clasping her hands together, obviously shy. The lovey-dovey atmosphere in the air made (Y/N) want to grimace, but she held it in tight.

"Yeah. Sure." (Y/N) replied sarcastically, crossing her arms. The two joined another small group of Ravenclaws at the Ravenclaw table, and started to chat as they played wizard's chess.

(Y/N) was quite good at wizard's chess, and she won every opponent she faced with ease. Cho sighed as (Y/N) declared checkmate and finished the game in less than 8 minutes.

"You're too good." she said in a defeated tone. Her speech made (Y/N) smirk slightly.

"Thank you." (Y/N) replied in a teasing tone. After Cho, many other challengers challenged (Y/N), but they were all defeated. For (Y/N), she had learnt chess ever since she was young, so it wasn't very hard for her to beat someone.

"May I challenge you?" someone asked in a velvet voice.


(Y/N) froze as she lifted her head to see the face of the challenger. It was the Hufflepuff Prefect. Cedric Diggory. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and rolled them, showing her interest had not swayed towards him.

But she couldn't really decline his offer, as she had no reasonable excuse, and she couldn't turn him away while she accepted all of her other friend's offers. She pouted. "Fine, but just...let's make it a quick game.

Cedric smiled. "With pleasure." he purred. With that, he sat across from (Y/N), and started to play. To (Y/N)'s surprise, he wad quite good, and almost managed to beat her, but she declared checkmate first.

"Checkmate." (Y/N) said, raising her head in triumph. Cedric looked confused and surprised at the same time, but quickly started to clap his hands.

"You're very good (Y/N)." he confided. "Your movements were just as beautiful as your heart."

His words struck (Y/N) deep in the chest, making her wince and turn her head away. "...Thank you. You were quite of a player yourself."
But as (Y/N) turned to look at her friends, they were all giggling, flustered that Cedric was here.

As Cedric gave them a small wink, they all squealed in excitement, with (Y/N) rolling her eyes. He then turned to her and gave her a small note.

"Read it alone, darling." Cedric whispered in her ear, before leaving the Great Hall with a red apple in his mouth. As soon as he left, the Ravenclaws crowded around her and chattered, hyped.

"What did he say to you?" a girl (Y/N) had often seen in the group asked her curiously. "God, I'm so jealous!!"

But (Y/N) shooed them away. "Nothing important." she replied dimly. "Now if all of you don't mind, I've finished eating, so I'll be heading to the library."

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