~.+The First Task+.~

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Today was the day. The first task. To be honest, (Y/N) had no idea what it was going to be all about. Dementors? Elves? Sirens? She could count every single possibility.

But Cedric seemed to be lessed worried than she was. In fact, he looked quite...calm. It dazzled her; how could he be so calm in a catastrophic situation like this one? (Y/N) found the situation quite incoherent.

"Cedric." she asked him cautiously. "Do you know what day it is?"

Cedric's eyes widened. "Is it your birthday?" he asked her back out of the blue. (Y/N) blinked, utterly bewildered as her question was reciprocated.
"What? No! Today's the first task, remember?"

"Aha, right." Cedric chuckled, running a hand through his dark blonde locks. "What about it?"

(Y/N) uttered in disbelief. "Are you not worried or anything? Because I am!" Cedric looked quite shocked, but his shocked expression soon turned into a warm one, smiling.

"Don't worry, my shining trophy." he crooned, running a hand through (Y/N)'s hair. "I'll come back in one piece, I promise. I just need to go outside to practice flying on my room. Go and have some fun with your friends. Or..."

He held out his hand and the paper butterfly flew on her shoulder.
"Or you can have fun with this little buddy while I'm gone. Send me messages whenever you want, love!"

With that, he left with his broom, leaving (Y/N) standing there with the butterfly on her shoulders. It still was confusing that Cedric didn't seem anxious at all about the upcoming task.

She walked into the courtyard, and saw multiple students wearing a strange badge. Potter...Stinks?

(Y/N) frowned

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(Y/N) frowned. She wasn't exactly thrilled that Scarhead had gotten chosen with Cedric, but that didn't mean that she hated him. Wasn't the badge a little...rude, to say the least?

She shook her head and headed to the library, but was stopped by Harry Potter. He looked around, before talking to her.

"Hey, urm. You're close to Cedric, aren't you? Have you seen him?" he asked her. (Y/N) knew where he was, but narrowed her eyes, suspicious.

"No." she lied.

Harry sighed. "Dragons. The First Task involves dragons. Please, tell him."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened. Dragons? Was Hogwarts insane? Putting students against dragons was totally barbaric!

But she kept a straight face. "Oh. Thanks. I'll tell him." Harry nodded in thanks, before walking away, glaring at the 'Potter Stinks' badges.

As soon as he left, (Y/N) quickly grabbed the paper butterfly and opened it. With her quill, she quickly wrote a message.

Dragons, Cedric. The First Task involves dragons, according to Potter. There's no evidence that he's saying the truth, but there's no evidence saying that he's lying, either. Take it into consideration.

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