~.+The Goblet of Fire+.~

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It was happening soon. There was only a week left before that tournament. But before she could even do anything, she had to tell Cedric about this.

After eating a small dinner, (Y/N) rushed out of the Great Hall, ignoring the confused gazes of Cho, Luna, and many other students, and headed towards the courtyard.

Surprisingly, Cedric was already waiting for her, and his eyes lit up as he saw her coming.

"Why did you call, (Y/N)?" he asked her curiously, but he mostly just looked happy to see her. (Y/N) was nervous to tell him, but oh well. She was going to have to tell him one day, so she might as well tell him now.

"Well...Luna told me something. The Triwizard Tounament is going to happen next week, and I just wanted to tell you this so you could prepare." she said.

But Cedric laughed. "I haven't even put my name in the Goblet of Fire yet, dear." he hummed, smirking playfully.
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes. "But you will, won't you?"

Cedric nodded slowly. "Yes, I think. It has always been a dream of mine."

(Y/N) realised he was telling the truth. She could hear the desperation in his voice, and she let out a sigh.
"Alright. You better study for the tasks, and read some history about the tournament; it could help." she advised.

Cedric looked at (Y/N) with hopeful eyes, before smiling softly.
"Maybe...if it's okay with you...Can you study with me?"

His abrupt request made (Y/N) widen her eyes, but she nodded.
"Alright. If it helps you concentrate."

Cedric eyes glowed, and his mouth curled in into a wide smile. "Really? Thank you so much, (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) nodded. She guessed that at least helping him with something was better than disparaging him playfully all day, anyways.
"Come on. Let's go to the library. I'll get some books ready."

The Hufflepuff boy followed her cheerfully, humming as he walked beside her. (Y/N) didn't really get it. Why would such a popular and handsome boy want to study with her?

Was it because she was at the top of her class? Probably. But she wasn't a hundred percent sure yet.

The two sat down in the library together, an awkward silence following shortly after. Cedric, for once, was focusing on the books, and (Y/N) concentrated on her own books.

Then, abruptly, Cedric turned his head to face her.

"You know (Y/N)...You're really pretty when you study, you know? All concentrated at all." he confided, a playful smirk on his fine face.

(Y/N)'s face turned red, and she stared at Cedric. The paper butterfly flew to (Y/N) and perched on her fingers. Cedric giggled, his laugh quite enchanting.

"What? It's true, you know." he chuckled, his gaze diverting back to his book. (Y/N) quickly recomposed herself. "Right, whatever. Um...thanks." she stammered, not knowing what to say.

Cedric looked up and smirked, his gaze boring into (Y/N)'s.

'Oh...I think I love this girl.'


Today was the day. (Y/N) sat down at the Ravenclaw table nervously, watching the students from the other schools also sitting with them.

In front of them, there was a huge goblet flickering with a blue fire. Last night, Cedric had told her quite a few things.

"Did you...put your name in?" (Y/N) asked anxiously. Cedric gave her a firm nod.

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