~.+The Seeker+.~

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(Y/N) quickly left the pitch and scuttled into the Hogwarts corridor where the Quidditch players had just changed back into their normal uniforms.

The Ravenclaw players looked quite gloomy, since they had lost the match. The Ravenclaw Seeker in particular looked quite guilty as they had lost because of him. But the Beaters comforted him, telling him that it was their fault.

But unfortunately, it was his last match, and someone else was going to be the Seeker for the next match. Meanwhile, the Hufflepuffs were cheering, patting their Captain and Seeker with grins on their faces.

(Y/N) noticed that they were cheering for the guy who had waved at her after the Quidditch match. Vedric, was it? Tedric? 'Whatever...'

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, quite disappointed that she watched a match where her team had lost. But really, it didn't matter. She glanced at the Hufflepuff team and turned her head away immediately as Cedric looked back at her.

She walked away, but quickly got confronted by him, a cheeky smile on his face.
"Hey, beautiful." he purred, winking at her. "What's your name? I'm Cedric Diggory."

(Y/N) stared at him. "(Y/N) (L/N)." she said, and as she did, Cedric whistled. "Nice to meet you, darling." He held out his hand, but (Y/N) brushed past him, using a spell to flip a book out in front of her in an effort to study.

"Oh? Are you playing hard to get?" Cedric asked her, walking to stand back in front of her with a playful smirk on his rather handsome face.
"I thought that you had some interest in me, too."

But (Y/N) frowned and walked away, trying not to fall for his charm. She noticed that many other girls were looking at her in envy, but personally, she didn't really care.

She brushed the Quidditch player aside and hurried to her next class, avoiding the gaze of the enthusiastic Seeker. (Y/N) then met Cho at the end of the corridor, who was waiting for her patiently.

"Hey (Y/N)! Guess what?!" Cho said, grinning widely. (Y/N) shrugged, clearly not knowing what her friend was going to say.

"I'm going to be the new Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team!" she exclaimed, making (Y/N) drop her book from the air, as she was levitating it.
"What? Really?"

As Cho nodded excitedly, (Y/N) pat her on the back while Accio-ing her book back into her hand.
"Congratulations, Cho. I always knew that your enthusiasm in Quidditch would get you somewhere good.

"That's really sweet of you, (Y/N). Thanks!" Cho giggled and hugged (Y/N), looking very happy and pleased with herself. But (Y/N) on the other hand, didn't look too sure. She wasn't sure about herself, and what she was going to do in the future.

Was studying everything? What was she going to do after her seventh year N.E.W.Ts? Study even more? What was she going to become..? What did she want to become? Perhaps Hermione had the same thoughts as her.

'At least Granger has popularity..' (Y/N) thought to herself as she finally pulled away from her Ravenclaw friend.
"You're going to come to see my matches, right?"

"Um..." (Y/N) hesitated. She thought that todays match was going to be her last. But now, she had a reason to watch every single Ravenclaw Quidditch match. "Alright, fine. I'll be there."

"Thank you!" Cho smiled sweetly and squeezed (Y/N)'s hand tightly before, skipping off happily to her next class. (Y/N) sighed and followed her, making her book float in front of her once more as she did.


As her classes ended, (Y/N) yawned and headed over to the library to study with all of her books in her hands, as she wasn't bothered to use magic right at the moment. But then, she felt the weight of the books getting lifted off of her arms.

She turned around, and saw no one other than Cedric Diggory. He wore a sweet smile on his face as he took some of her books and carried it for her.

"I can carry them myself." (Y/N) murmured, trying to snatch them back from him. But Cedric put the books out of her grasp and chuckled.

"Come on. Let me help you, beautiful." he purred, running his other hand through his brown locks. "That's the least I can do."
He ignored (Y/N)'s frustrated looks and trailed after her towards the library and returned her books to the librarian for her.

Cedric then sat next to her as she started to study. (Y/N) expected him to go away after a few minutes because of boredom, but surprisingly, he stayed put, way longer than (Y/N)'s expectations.

The silence was uncomfortable, but (Y/N) didn't really mind it. On the other hand, Cedric looked quite dull as he skimmed through the pages of (Y/N)'s books. It seemed like the silence was going to go on forever.
But the silence was then finally broken by Cedric.

"I know that studying is important," he began quietly, shutting the cover of (Y/N)'s thick Herbology book. "but can't you do other activities like Quidditch or Gobblestones?"

But he then flinched as (Y/N) slammed her Potions book cover. She had reached her limit.
"Why are you even here?" she snapped. "I barely even know you, and you just show up next to me one day and pretend like you're a close friend of mine! Why?"

Cedric blinked, overwhelmed by her sudden outburst.
"...Because I want to be your friend?" he murmured quietly. "You didn't seem to socialize as much as the others, so I-"

"You've been watching me?!" (Y/N) hissed, tidying up her books with a frustrated face. "Leave me alone! I'm not interested in you!"
She then stormed out of the library, leaving Cedric sitting on the chair alone.

She did feel quite bad for him as she left, but she didn't want anyone to get in her way of studying. After all, she had to prepare for her N.E.W.Ts. Even though they took them in their seventh year, she still wanted to be prepared.

The Ravenclaw girl was walking through the corridor when she felt a person tap her back carefully.

"Hello, (Y/N)." someone greeted her warmly. (Y/N) turned around and saw no one other than the famous Harry Potter. (Y/N) furrowed her brows.


Harry smiled anxiously and looked at the floor, and surprisingly, Ronald and Hermione were nowhere to be seen? Had they ditched him?

"Urm...." Harry couldn't seem to talk properly, and looked very nervous and shooked up, but had this small smile on his face.

(Y/N) frowned. "Is...something wrong, Potter?"
"You see.." Harry finally began, meeting eyes with her. "Does...Cho like anybody?"

'Oh. Cho.'

"No." (Y/N) replied simply. "If that's all you want to ask, I'll be going."
"Wait, (Y/N)!" Harry exclaimed. (Y/N) turned around, puzzled.

"...Don't study too much. You look a bit tired." he murmured rather gently. He didn't sound like the Potter that always had anger issues.

She turned away from Scarhead and walked off, biting her lip. 'Do I really look that tired? And why does he like Cho? Wait. Why am I concerned?'

What was wrong with her? Wasn't she supposed to be feeling happy for Cho? But why did she feel so...uneasy? No, she didn't like Potter.
Maybe it was just a lust for love. But (Y/N) kmew she couldn't focus on that right now.

She clutched onto her books tighter and walked off to the Ravenclaw common room with a perplexed expression on her face.

But little did she know, that someone very familiar to her was looking at the Ravenclaw student with a very jealous expression on his face.



1329 Words

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