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He had to be kidding. There was utterly no way he was going to participate in that tournament. But wait. Why was she even worrying in the first place?

(Y/N) swore that she had wanted Cedric to get off of her tail for a few months now, and perhaps this was the perfect chance to. But (Y/N) shook her head and clenched her fists.

That was way too selfish. How...abnormal of her. (Y/N) sighed and twirled a strand of hair in her fingers, before getting up from her seat and exiting the library.

Her life had just been like a treadmill this whole time: Wake up, study, study more, and sleep. But ever since that Hufflepuff guy had hopped into her life, things had started to change.

She now knew how and when to give herself a break, thanks to Cedric.

It sounded like a very classic clique, but oh well, it was true. And it was too late to cut the strings between them now; they had gotten too far. (Y/N) had to convince Cedric not to go in that tournament.

"Now...where was that butterfly at..." (Y/N) opened her notebook and found the butterfly flying out of the pages, flapping its white wings. (Y/N) grabbed it and opened it, writing some words inside.

Meet me at the clocktower after lunch. It's important, so please, come.


She then folded it back into its original shape and sighed.
"Go to Cedric, will you?" she pleaded in a calm but shaky voice.

The butterfly seemed to nod slightly, before flying away, leaving a slight trail of ink on her fingers, where it had sat. (Y/N) just hoped that she would be able go change Cedric's mind.

"Hey (Y/N)!" (Y/N) turned around and saw no one other than Cho. (Y/N) greeted her with a slightly fake smile and waved as Cho stood beside her. She seemed to have noticed (Y/N)'s unusually shaky voice, because she looked concerned.

"Is...something wrong?" she asked her in a worried tone. (Y/N) shook her head.
"No, just hungry. Come on, let's go eat lunch."

Luckily, Cho didn't ask for any more, which relieved (Y/N). "If you say so, I guess.." she murmured, before following (Y/N) to the Great Hall. As the two sat down at the Ravenclaw table, (Y/N) couldn't see Cedric anywhere.

He was nowhere in sight. (Y/N) saw a couple of his friends walking around nearby at the Hufflepuff table, but Cedric was nowhere to be seen.

Nervousness started to grow in (Y/N)'s stomach, giving her an uneasy feeling deep down.

Cho frowned. "Are you sure you're okay?" she asked (Y/N), putting a piece of apple in her own mouth. (Y/N) sighed heavily.

"I'm fine." (Y/N) said in a low voice, making it pretty obvious that she wasn't. Cho narrowed her eyes and then peered over at the Hufflepuff table, before looking back at (Y/N).

"Is this because of Cedric?" she asked curiously, her voice gentle.

"No." (Y/N) replied, cutting her toast with a lot of unnecessary force. "What makes you think that?"

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