~.+Stepping Closer+.~

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"Alright, this is the end of class." the Professor said, waking (Y/N) up from her sleepiness. "Go to your next class, chop chop!" (Y/N) yawned and collected her books, before heading to her next class.

"You sleepy?" Cho asked (Y/N), yawning in sync with her. "Me too. I thought Transfigurations were supposed to be fun.."

(Y/N) shrugged. "It was okay, just...the class was just too long." Cho nodded in agreement, and the two weaved in and out of the crowd, towards Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

"A fourth year junior told me that the new D.A.D.A Professor showed them all three of the Unforgivable Spells to them, and told them to say it out loud." Cho told (Y/N) with worry in her voice.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. "For real? Is he even allowed to do that? What if he does that to us?" (Y/N) was worried, but Cho shook her head.

"I doubt it. I think he'll show us something even worse than that. Even though I don't think there's something more terrible than the three curses..." (Y/N) agreed with her, but she wasn't too sure about it.

The two entered the D.A.D.A classroom, and saw the nervous glances of their fellow classmates, and (Y/N) noticed that the Hufflepuffs were taking the same class with them.

Within the crowd, (Y/N) noticed Cedric talking with his friends, and as she met eyes with him, he smiled and waved at her, and she waved slightly back, avoiding the curious gazes of Cedric's friends.

She sat down next to Cho with the rest of the Ravenclaws, and prepared to listen to class. Finally, the D.A.D.A Professor came into the classroom, and his appearance made (Y/N) shiver.

One of his eyes were like an eyepatch, and it was kind of like a glass eye, and his face was covered his scars and he held a staff in one wand, his wand in the other.

"Welcome, sixth years, to your Defence Against the Dark Arts class. My name is Alastor Moody." he said gruffly, writing his name aggressively on the blackboard.

"Ex-Auror, Death Eater catcher." He then turned towards the students, his glass eye moving around in the socket of the weird eyepatch.
"Now today, we'll be learning how to resist the Imperius Curse."

"But sir..." a Hufflepuff student murmured anxiously. "We haven't even got to that stage yet."

But the Professor ignored them completely and flicked out his wand and pointed at an insect.
"Imperio!" As soon as he spat out the curse, the insect got lifted up off of the ground and got flipped a flew times.

"This little insect can't resist this curse, poor little brute." he tutted. "But you students, can. Now, who will volunteer first?"

A Ravenckaw student bit their lip. "What's the key to resisting Curses, sir?" they asked him nervously. But the Professor just snorted.

"There's no key." he snapped back, and his eyes wavered over to the Ravenclaw table. "Ah, you there! Come up and be a good student." It took (Y/N) a few seconds to realise that he was talking about her.


"Yes, you. Come on up." he ordered. (Y/N) reluctantly stood up and walked over to where the Professor was standing, slightly nervous that he would accidentally make her trip with his big walking stick.

"Are you sure that this is the right tactic?" Cedric asked the Professor, his eyes showing concern for his Ravenclaw friend. "I'm not sure this is the way that I learnt it in the books. Don't we need some practice?"

"Ah, she'll be fine. She's young, isn't she not? Now...Imperio!"

(Y/N) flinched as the curse hit her body, and her body started to move, not entirely on her command. She tried her best to stay focused, as she had learnt in her D.A.D.A books. But for some reason, the curse hurt.

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