~.+Little Gifts+.~

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Finally, she had almost finished all of her classes. As Potions ended, (Y/N) planned on using some of her free time to go to her common room, and to open up some books for some reading and revision.

She walked down the corridor with some books in her hands. As she turned the corner of the corridor, she saw a group of Hufflepuffs running towards her, and before she could react, one of them bashed into her, making them both fall onto the ground.

"Cedric! Cedric, bro, are you alright?" (Y/N) faintly heard the panicked voices of the boy's friends, before she realised something that made her freeze.

'Crap...I bumped into Diggory.."

Cedric got up onto his feet first, and as he realised that the person he bumped into was (Y/N), he offered his hand to her.

"Are you alright, beautiful?" he asked, concern visible in his soft voice. (Y/N) didn't take his hand and got up herself, brushing down her dusty robes.

"I'm fine." she replied sharply, and kneeled down to grab her books from the floor, but realised that Cedric had already picked them all up for her. He looked apologetic, but had a tint of pinkish red on his face. Was he sick?

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)." he said, handing the books to her. He then grabbed some small treats from hid robe pocket and offered it to her. "Please, take it."

But (Y/N) declined. "No thank you. And if you don't mind, I'll be going." (Y/N) walked to her common room and sat there with a few other Ravenclaws to study. Although...it felt odd.

The Hufflepuff boy kept getting in her mind, and not to mension, on her nerves.

'Cedric Diggory, was it? Same year as me...Tall, polite to most, slightly annoying for me, and kind of handsome.........'

Before (Y/N) could stop herself she found herself dozing off, not realising how much she had overworked herself ever since she had gotten back to school.

'Oh no..! No, no, no!!!'

(Y/N) woke up immediately, grabbed her books to go to class, knowing that she could be late.
'Why didn't any Ravenclaws wake me up, for God's sake!!' she thought to herself as she hurried through the corridor, worried that she was going to be late for Herbology class.

It was her last class for her day, and she didn't want to lose any points.
As she burst through the greenhouse door and realised that she wasn't late, (Y/N) sighed in relief.

She took out her Herbology book and stood next to Cho, who looked at her in concern.
"Are you alright? You've never been late to class before." she said.

(Y/N) panted. "I wasn't late." she replied, out of breath. "And I just...I had some stuff on my mind." 'Especially because of that Hufflepuff Seeker.' she thought sourly in her mind.

She wanted to speak a bit more, but was stopped as Professor Sprout came into the greenhouse.
"Alright, people! Today, we're going to be learning about Fluxweed. I hope you've studied a lot before you came; it's gonna be a tough year!"

(Y/N) noticed that the Ravenclaws were studying with the Hufflepuffs, and sincerely hoped that Cedric wasn't anywhere near her. As each student grabbed their own sample of Fluxweed, they opened their textbooks and started to study.

Cho then found another planted and poked her interest and left (Y/N) alone to study the Fluxweed. (Y/N) was busy studying the Fluxweed when she sensed someone approach from behind. 

(Y/N) had a very good idea of who it was, so she refused to turn around and meet his eye. She clutched onto her textbook more firmly and tried her best to avoid his gaze.

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