~.+Letters and Secrets+.~

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"Wake up, Ravenclaws! Rise and shine!"

(Y/N) woke up as she heard the students near her dorm wake her up in a ridiculously loud voice.
"Oi! (L/N), wake up! You don't want to be late for Diggory, do you?"

(Y/N) almost choked on air.
"Shut up." she muttered, rubbing her tired eyes as she lifted her body to sit straight. She got into her clean Ravenclaw robes and tightened her tie as she looked into the mirror.

(Y/N) brushed her messy hair as she prepared herself for the day ahead. Sure, her 'date' with Diggory was quite nice, but she still had to focus on her studies.

But Cedric, unfortunately, never seemed to understand her goals. He would always tell her to go and play Gobblestones, or watch Quidditch. Heck, he even told her to talk to the paintings if she really had nothing to do.

Also, him calling her by slightly-gross nicknames kind of bothered her. Because of course, she had a name!

"Hey (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) turned around and saw Cho walking up to her with an unreadable expression on her face. (Y/N) greeted her, but noticed her unusual face.

"Hey. What's wrong?" she asked Cho as she started to walk beside her to class.
"Something's off." she said, and waited patiently for Cho to open her mouth. Cho let out a sigh, and glanced around.

"(Y/N)...I've got some news. But I'm not sure if it's true or not. But not many people know yet." she whispered, looking around, as if on watch.

(Y/N) raised her eyebrow. "Well? Spill the tea." she urged her curiously, looking at her friend.

"You do know some Hogwarts History, right?" Cho asked her, making (Y/N) furrow her brows.
"Of course I do! Do you know how much I study?" Cho chuckled and nodded, before getting back to the point.

"Well, you see...There's been a rumour going on about other school students coming to Hogwarts soon." she said, her eyes glistening. (Y/N)'s mouth opened a bit. "For what?"

"The Triwizard Tournament."

Cho's words made (Y/N) freeze. The Triwizard Tournament?! That was the rumour everyone was talking about? No wonder Cho was so anxious to tell her; this was both exciting and shocking!

"Are you certain?" (Y/N) asked her, her (E/C) eyes wide in shock. "Where or who did you hear it from? Is it someone worth trusting..?"

Cho rolled her eyes. "I just caught wind of it. What part of a rumour do you not understand?" she asked her in a teasing voice. (Y/N) ran a hand through her hair. "Right, right..."

This was big news. How did she not even catch wind of the rumour once? Cho then grabbed her arm and almost dragged her to their next class, probably knowing that (Y/N) was a bit shocked by the news.

"Let's just go to class. Perhaps the professors could tell us more about it. After all, they are the ones who probably know the truth." (Y/N) nodded, knowing Cho was right. But hadn't she just said that the rumour was sort of a secret?

But her thoughts were interrupted as they entered Transfigurations class, sitting within the Ravenclaw group, eyeing the Hufflepuffs who were preparing to take the class with them.

"Do some of the Hufflepuffs know about the rumour?" (Y/N) asked Cho, who opened her book, preparing for class.

"Not sure, but probably not. They aren't the type of people who stick their noses into other people's business, are they?" she pointed out, waving her wand in a motion that Professor Mcgonagall had taught them a week ago.

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