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"Now, now! Sixth years gather around here!" Professor Mcgonagall called over the sixth years around the entrance of Hogwarts, and Cho and (Y/N) walked towards her excitedly.

They all that their Winter gear on, and were ready for their chilly but warm at the same time trip to Hogsmeade. Of course, it wasn't their first time going, but every trip to the comfy town made them shiver in excitement.

"I hope that I trust all of you, since you probably know all the rules." the professor said, standing in front of the sixth year crowd. "Be back before sunset, and if anything happens, send us an owl. Now, off you go!"

Cho squealed, and as the two walked towards Hogsmeade with a whole lot of others, she poked (Y/N)'s shoulder.
"Are you planning to meet someone today on our trip?" she asked her cautiously.

(Y/N) honestly wanted to ask her how on Merlin's beard she managed to get the hint, but she was too tired to.

"Yep. Diggory asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him. And I said yes." she confided truthfully, rolling her eyes. But unexpectedly, Cho smiled and clapped her hands.

"That's totally fine! In fact, the players on Ravenclaw's Quidditch team asked me to join them on a trip of their own. I was just nervous to tell you about it, in case you wanted to go with me." Cho said back, looking relieved.

(Y/N) blinked. "Don't be nervous about things like that!" she exclaimed. "You can go wherever, whenever you want! Don't worry about me."

Her words reassured Cho, and after she nodded, the two separated to go their own ways for the weekends. (Y/N) watched Cho meet the Quidditch team, and walked off to go to her own meeting place.

She stood outside of the entrance to Hogsmeade, and wondered if each of the Houses took off from Hogwarts at a different time. As she kept waiting, she suddenly felt a warmth on her neck, and realised that a yellow and black stripes scarf was around it.

"Hello, beautiful. Did you wait long? I'm terribly sorry."

(Y/N) turned around and saw Cedric smiling at her with his Winter gear on. (Y/N) took off Cedric's scarf from her neck and wrapped it back around his.

"No, it's fine. And take your scarf back; I have my own." she said, and Cedric's already pink cheeks went pinker as her fingers touched his neck.

"Thank you, darling." he purred, as she finished wrapping the scarf around his neck. (Y/N) pouted.
"Please, just call me (Y/N)." she muttered, but of course, her request was swiftly declined.

"Anyways~" Cedric hummed. "What do you want us to do? We can go to shops or perhaps hang out in the snow, whichever you prefer!"

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. "I thought that you had planned it all out." she muttered, making Cedric fiddle with his neck sheepishly.
"Well, you see, I was going to last night, but I couldn't get any sleep because I was too excited."

His statement made (Y/N) stare at him in both shock and curiosity. "You couldn't get any sleep...because of our meeting. Are you serious?!"

Cedric blinked. "Urm. Yes? Is it that much of a surprise? I thought it was obvious that I wanted to be close friends with you!"

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