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"Today, we will be learning about the Draught of Living Death." Professor Snape said bluntly and in a deep voice, making the sixth years stay silent.

As Professor Snape taught them about how to brew the potion, (Y/N) put her cauldron on the table and started to brew her potion and started to brew it, relying on her memory.

It was very easy for (Y/N) to brew the potion, since she had revised the Potions book at least fifty times. She knew all the steps and ingredients needed for the Potion.

As she finally finished brewing it, she was satisfied as she saw the potion glow in the perfect colour that she wanted it to be. Snape went around, throwing sneers at the students who had failed the brew the Potion.

But his sneer faded as he saw (Y/N)'s potion, and he nodded his head ever so slightly, as if impressed. But with Snape, you could never know.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw." Snape said sharply, looking at (Y/N)'s eyes with his own, dark ones.

(Y/N) was quite delighted, as earning points from Professor Snape was known to be difficult. Cho, who was working next to her, looked at her friend enviously.

After Potions had ended, Cho trailed up to her to walk besides (Y/N), and poked her on the shoulder.
"How much did you study last night?" she asked (Y/N) with a bewildered look her face.

But (Y/N) smirked and giggled cheekily. "It's a secret."

"For what?"

"For my success. (Y/N) replied, winking at her puzzled friend. Cho blinked, before rolling her eyes playfully at the other Ravenclaw girl.

The two walked down the corridor, and then into the Great Hall to eat lunch. As they sat down at the Ravenclaw table, other Ravenclaw students greeted them happily, sitting next to them.

But then, Cho looked at one direction very oddly, so (Y/N) followed her eyes and glanced at her direction.

(Y/N) then saw the famous Harry Potter staring at her friend, and as Cho smiled at him slightly, Harry's drink spilled out of his mouth, making (Y/N) lightly grimace, and the other Ravenclaw students including Cho, giggle.

'Scarhead's got a crush I guess.' (Y/N) thought bluntly, and rolled her eyes as Harry finally tore his eyes away from her friend.

The two of them ate lunch side by side,
and (Y/N) pinched Cho on the arm, making her flinch and turn to look at her. "What was that for?"

"Did you see that?" (Y/N) whispered, slightly pointing at Harry who was sitting at the Gryffindor table with her finger. "Scarhead was looking at you!"

Cho looked away, her cheeks seemingly slightly pink. (Y/N) smirked and chuckled lightly. "What? You embarrassed?"

As Cho didn't respond, (Y/N) rolled her eyes and patted Cho on the back, before leaving the Great Hall with a piece of toast in her mouth. As she walked through the corridor, she noticed some Slytherins whistling as she walked passed them.

(Y/N) ate the last bit of her toast and swiftly ignored them. As she did, she overheard some of their conversation.

"The pathetic Ravenclaws against us the even more pathetic Hufflepuffs. What a boring Quidditch match." one of the Slytherins bickered to themselves, some of them glancing at (Y/N).

"Look at that girl. Pretty for a Ravenclaw, no?" another chuckled, looking at her direction. (Y/N) bit her lip in frustration as the Slytherins kept talking about her as she walked passed them.

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