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A/N: Hi guys so basically this is my first ever book. I just wanted to thank:



 for their amazing stories that have inspired me.

Blood was streaming out of the dragon's lifeless body as she screamed in agony. "No no no no no..." she whispered, her voice cracking with grief. 

The moons were covered by a dark cloud, allowing shadows to creep around the rainforest silently. Tears streamed down the dragon's face and created pools below her. She didn't even feel the scratches she had gotten earlier; she didn't care. 

"Don't leave me..."  The nightwing cradled her sister in her arms as she cried into her shoulder. This can't be happening, she thought, this CAN'T be happening. "Speckledstar... don't go..." she pleaded helplessly. 

When she didn't answer, she let out a choked cry. Everything was being taken away from her, one by one. Everything and everyone, was being taken away. 

A shadow cast over her, chilling her to the very bone. "Stay away from me!" she screamed at the newcomer, spreading her wings to shield the body behind her. Through her tears she couldn't make out the murderous dragon before her. 

The mysterious dragon grinned nefariously as he took a step forward. "Why?" she cried uncontrollably, "Why would you do this?"  The dragon scoffed. "She was too much of an influence on you." 

She frowned. An influence? What did he mean by that? The shadows crept closer as the small nightwing dropped to the ground, sobbing desperately. 

"Who even are you?!" she yelled, her tears starting all over again. "Why would you KILL my sister?!" she looked back down at her sister's body. 

Her older sister was a small nightwing, white specks scattering not only under her wings, but on her snout, horns and tail. Speckledstar's purple eyes were wide in fear, and a deep bloody gash slit through her throat. 

The Shadow dragon smiled and blew a plume of fire into the air, illuminating his face. 

Her brain screamed in fear, her limbs froze up in terror as she stared at the spot where she had seen his face. When she finally spoke, it was as a terrified whisper. 


Her heart stopped beating as he growled. "Stop moping," he hissed grabbing her by the ear and dragging her away from her sister, not caring to bury her. 

She struggled and protested, and her father whipped his had around and his pale green eyes bore into hers. A thin scar cascaded from his temple to his jaw. "Don't make me kill you like I did with your sister." 

She immediately shut up, her claws trembling as he pulled her towards their home. Before they entered, her father stared into her eyes, and she let out a squeak.

 "I want you to promise me something," he whispered, his voice dripping with venom, and she immediately nodded. 

"I want you to stay away from everyone, do not interact with them, just fly straight home.  Otherwise, I will kill that dragon in the most painful way possible." 

Her eyes were wide as she numbly agreed. Satisfied, her father threw her into their cave. She yelped as the stone floor scraped her scales. 

"Go to sleep," her father commanded, and she stumbled into her room. 

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