What the heck just happened?

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Peacemaker stood in shock.

"You're Red Storm, the dragon that attacked me?" Mandarin huffed. 

"Noooooo,  I'm not." Peacemaker frowned. 

"Of course, I'm Red Storm, idiot." 

He shook his head. "Yeah, I seriously don't know how I didn't realize already."

Mandarin looked surprised. "You're not mad?"

Peacemaker shrugged. "Not really."

"I kinda expected this form a dragon like you anyway." Mandarin wacked him over the head and sighed. She held out her talon, and Peacemaker took it.



They flew back to Jade Mountain Academy and snuck in through the grand hall. Only Tsunami was waiting. Her gills were flared, and her eyes were blazing. 

"Where have you been?!" she snarled. Peacemaker's eyes widened.       Mandarin shot him a stern glare, and calmly looked at Tsunami, unfazed by her aggressiveness. 

"We went for a fly." She said smoothly. Tsunami looked skeptical and outraged at the same time. 

"Mandarin, you cannot just leave the academy in the middle of the night!" She turned to Peacemaker.

"And you, I am disappointed that you went as well. What was so important to leave at midnight?" Peacemaker uneasily glanced at Mandarin. 

"I- I just needed some air, and I just ran into her." Tsunami didn't look convinced but shook her head. 

"Get inside, you two." she sighed.                                                                            "Classes start soon."

She led them inside, and some dragonets peeked out to see what was going on. A shriek echoes the hall, and Peacemaker guessed that Bumblebee and Auklet were awake. They both tackled Mandarin, squashing her to the floor. 

Mandarin growled. "Get off me you idiots!" she snapped, heaving them off. Bumblebee didn't seem to notice. 

"We were so worried when we saw you were gone! Mink usually wakes up before dawn and noticed you were missing!" She gasped. She looked at Peacemaker in suspicion. 

"What were you doing out there??" she asked, then gave him a smirk. 

Peacemaker knew what she was hinting at. "No way!" he said, disgusted. 

"We're just friends!" Bumblebee looked disappointed. 


Peacemaker shook his head. Bumblebee was such a weird dragon sometimes. Cliff came up to him, frowning. 

"Where were you?" Peacemaker gulped, remembering his promise. 

"Just went for a fly." 

"Uh huh." Cliff was hurt that Peacemaker was hiding something from him, and turned around before he could say anything.  Peacemaker nervously fidgeted as Tsunami towered over them. 

"Get back to your caves, you lot," The dragonets went back to their caves, but couldn't get to sleep. 

Bumblebee and Auklet were opposite each other, so from time to time they switched caves a lot. They didn't really know what Fern thought, but she mostly stayed silent most of the time. 

When the three gongs sounded, the dragonets rushed off to their classes. Peacemaker's winglet had battle training and defenses class first.

Of course, Tsunami had to be the teacher for that. I mean, she is the feistiest out if the Dragonets of Destiny, Peacemaker thought. 

"Alright!" Tsunami roared. "Gold winglet, you're merging with the Copper winglet!"

Auklet immediately went over to a pale blue and pink seawing. "This is my sister Anemone," She told Cliff. "She's in her last year of school!" Cliff held out a talon, to which Anemone took.

Tsunami was putting dragonets into groups of three. And out of pure unluckiness, Cliff got paired with Peacemaker and Thistle. 

"You can't refuse to speak to me now," Peacemaker pleaded. Cliff snorted. Thistle just rolled hos eyes. "Let's just get started. 

Tsunami instructed for the dragonets to use a move she had taught them. Cliff and Peacemaker were up first. Cliff jumped on Peacemaker, perfectly presenting the move exactly how Tsunami had said. 

"Cliff!" Peacemaker gasped. "You're being too rough!" with a huff, Cliff turned and walked away. Peacemaker looked sadly after him. I wish I could tell him, he thought. 

But Mandarin's glare for the other side of the room made him think otherwise.

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