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Peacemaker woke up to quiet footsteps trailing down the hallway. Damn my light sleeping, he cursed, and peeked out of the cave. His heart jumped and he saw a black dragon silently creeping towards the Great Hall. A nightwing? He thought, confused. Their build's too slim and angular, it can't be. 

He stared after the dragon, pondering for a moment. I should follow them, he thought. But what if it's dangerous? I could DIE! he shook his head irritably and narrowed his eyes at where the dragon had once been. If I don't go now, I'll never know.

As always, the curiosity won better of him. He quickly slipped out of his cave, running as fast and silently as he could, until he was only a few meters away from the mystery dragon. The shadow was outside Sunny and Tsunami's office. 

The shadow dragon rushed inside, and Peacemaker followed reluctantly, watching from the waiting room. He saw the dragon pull out a glowing blue gem, and as it glowed, he saw the colours of the dragon. 

They were red and black. 

Peacemaker's breath caught in his throaght. It was Red Storm. She was here. In Jade Mountain Academy. Red Storm looked from side to side, and he thanked his nightwing side for protection.

The rainwing was only in Sunny's office for a few seconds, and then she slipped out, heading for the open side of the room. Peacemaker finally caught a glimpse of her in the moonlight, and she spread her wings gracefully. She wore a ebony silk cape with a hood that covered half her face, and various pouches underneath her wings, around her waist and on the back of her legs. 

She brought out a knife that gleamed nefariously in the night, glinting mischievously. A moonstone was embedded into the handle. 

Then she leapt into the sky, gliding towards the north of Phyrria. Peacemaker hesitated. I've come too far to stop now, he thought nervously. Spreading his wings, he jumped into the air behind her, keeping low so she wouldn't see him.

 The night cold air drifted across his scales in a shiver. The rainwing kept flying for a while and then finally she touched down onto the dunes of the Sand kingdom. 

Why would she be here? He wondered, and silently followed her as she trekked over the dunes towards a structure in the distance. 

Wait, he thought, suddenly stopping. Qibli told me about this place.... but i cant remember what... His thoughts were cut off when the rainwing growled a warning. "Get out of here" she hissed lowly. Peacemaker froze. Had she seen him? 

"Little rainwing," a voice slithered, "You're not welcome here" Peacemaker relaxed momentarily. He peeked over the dune and saw a Sandwing with a cloak identical but lighter to Red Storm's. 

"Don't you know who i am?!" Red Storm growled, and the sandwing barked a laugh. In less then a second, the rainwing had him pinned down to the sand with her blade to his throat.

 "I am Red Storm," she threatened, and pressed it harder against his neck. "No one laughs at me," with a swift move, she sliced his throat. Blood spilled onto the dunes as she stalked away towards the towering structure. 

Peacemaker's blood ran cold as he stared at the dying dragon helplessly. Hesitantly, he followed the rainwing into the structure. 

She walked through the shadowy streets, hissing at any dragon who dared to walk in front, though the roads were scarce and there were wanted pictures everywhere. 

Suddenly she stopped. Ahead was a large compound-looking structure that was no doubt home to wealthy dragons. Two sandwing guards were posted at the front with the same hood that the sandwing earlier had. Peacemaker hid in the shadows as Red Storm walked in, the guards not even flinching as she walked past. 

Its like they were expecting her, he thought slowly, and shook his head quickly. How am i going to get inside? the guards went in after her, and Peacemaker took his chance, slipping inside.

The walls were embedded with gold. The guard's barbs trailed behind them as they escorted the rainwing down the hall. "Vulture will be happy to see you," one guard said as they pushed her towards a bigger room. "Don't touch me," Red Storm snapped, and she attempted to bite the sandwing guards talon as it neared her face.

The guard recoiled quickly and said no more as he followed her into the big room. Peacemaker again silently thanked his nightwing side for camouflage. "You came" A deep voice growled in somewhat a pleasant way. Red Storm scoffed. 

"Of course," she said bluntly, "Jade Mountain Academy is easy to sneak out of."

The dragon laughed, and Peacemaker gaped at the fierce rainwing. She's so small compared to those dragons, he thought, but she isn't intimidated by them. Then something jolted in his brain.

Wait....she said Jade Mountain Academy...That means one of the rainwings there are an assassin.

The dragon came out of the shadows, smirking slightly. he had dragon skull tattoos all down his neck and even on his forehead. 

"Vulture," Red Storm said slowly, hiding any emotion in her hiss. "I know you don't just want to take Thorn," she said dangerously. "You want everyone under your talon," Vulture's smirk faded a little. 

"So I guess we can raise the payment," he said, and Peacemaker almost thought he heard a hint of fear in his voice. 

The rainwing's talons turned black. "You wouldn't have enough money to pay, since you are broke." the guards started forward, but Vulture raised a talon to stop them. 

"How much are you thinking of?" he said slowly, fiddling with something in his claws. 

"Not even a queen could pay me enough to assassinate all the rulers of Phyrria," she growled, and Peacemakers' heart stopped. All the queens assassinated. Vulture ruling Phyrria. Red Storm by his side.

Vultures voice raised to an angry hiss. "Are you saying I'm as broke as a streetdragon?!" Red Storm made no react. Vulture looked desperate to prove that he was wealthy. "How much? Name it, and you have it." His voice shook. 

"The amount is far too much for a pheasant dragon like you," Red Storm hissed back. "But if you really are desperate..." Vulture looked eager. 

"The payment is one million gold pieces."

Peacemaker couldn't be more astonished. One million gold pieces?! He thought, that's huge!

Vulture looked outraged, but said nothing. "Very well." was all he said. 

"We start with Moorhen first."

Peacemaker gasped a little too loudly. They're really doing it.

Red Storm's head snapped up as Vulture said, "What was that?" 

She shot like a bullet over to where Peacemaker was, grabbing him by the throat and held him against the wall. 

A flash of recognition sparkled in her golden eyes, but Peacemaker was too scared to relize her hood had fallen off.

"We have an eavesdropper."


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