I hate you so much: 1

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Nene Yashiro sat down at her usual bench in her park, with her iced late in her right hand, and her finger nails tapping the cup in a repeated rhythm as she hummed to herself with her earphones blasting music in her ears as she waited for Aoi and Mei to show up. This was Nene's favorite park to go to as it was such a small place, it was quiet. They had a stand that made the best strawberry filled rice cakes! Also, the people here are so nice as well! As she scrolled through her phone a few notifications popped up from the group chat:

 ~ The powerpuff girls <3~

Mrs Aoi Aoi: Hey girls! I'm on my way to the park! I'll be there in roughly 5-10 mins, K?

portrait girlie:  Hi! I'm almost at the park! Aoi where are you, I'll meet you on the way! What about you Nene?

Nene Yashiro: 

Hey! I'm already here and waiting for you two! Don't take too long!


Yashiro switched off her phone and put it face down on the bench pulling out her notebook from her bag. She began doodling in it until she saw her two friends come through the park gate. Aoi and Shijima sat down on the bench with Yashiro. 

"Hey Nene!" Aoi and Mei said grinning happily.

"How are you guys?" Nene asked smiling.

"I'm good!" Aoi said smiling just as sweetly as always.

"Yup! Same! What about you Nene?" Mei asked smiling.

"I'm good too! Although I'm a little worried about us starting a new college year tomorrow..." Nene said nervously.

"Ah really? I'm actually kind of excited! We'll be staying on a whole other campus in dorms right? How exciting!" Aoi exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, I kind of hope we have all our dorms near each other though!" Mei said raising her hand to her cheek.

"Yeah I guess that's something to look forward to!" Nene said smiling.


After about an hour and a half of a long catch up, the three left to go home. 

On the walk home, Nene stopped at a 7 Eleven to buy some snacks and a large bottle of cola.

Once she got through the door she said hi to her mum and trudged upstairs collapsing onto her bed, where she fell asleep...



Nene slammed her hand down on her alarm shutting off the noise and reluctantly pulled herself out of bed. After getting ready into a cute off shoulder shirt and a short skirt and leg warmers, she went downstairs to see her mum preparing breakfast.

"Hello, dearie! Look, I made you pancakes!" Mrs Yashiro exclaimed setting them on the table with a glass of orange juice.

"Oooo thanks mum!" Yashiro grinned sitting down and beginning to eat. 

After finishing breakfast, brushing her teeth, and dragging her suitcase full of stuff to the front door, Nene said bye to her mum and left for the new college campus. As she dragged her suitcase along, Nene checked her emails to look at the number of her dorm. When she got to the college, it was a lot bigger than expected. Technically it was still the same as the other site, however this is where the older students stay and they have a few more places to study on offer.

 Nene made her way into a lift with her suitcase and went up 3 floors. The dorm building connected, had five floors! Nene strolled along the balcony until she finally found her dorm and pulled out her dorm key. She stepped inside and it was a pretty small but comfortable room. There was already a bed there and a small desk and lamp against the wall, there was even a mini-fridge on the floor. there was a door into another room which was just the bathroom. Nene began pulling out all her folded clothes from her suitcase and hanging them in the wardrobe. She decided she could probably go out and buy some cute new stuff to decorate the room with. After lunch she decided to have a nap after all that.

 After waking up, Nene looked at the time to realize it was really late and she even missed dinner. Normally there's a specific time the college lets you order food from your dorms however it was too late to do it now. Nene got up and decided to head out to buy food and get some fresh air. As she stepped out of her dorm, the breeze passed her making her shiver slightly but she ignored it. She walked over to the nearest 7 Eleven and went inside to buy some instant noodles. There's a kettle back at the dorm which is handy. As she was looking through the aisles for the noodles she wasn't minding her step as she tripped bumping into the back of a stranger. 

"Oh! I- I'm so sorry! I tripped, I swear!" Nene exclaimed panicking as she stepped back from them. She noticed how they weren't much taller than her. Suddenly the stranger turned to Nene pulling their hood down to reveal a startled dark choppy haired boy with large eyes with amber iris's. 

"What?" He said, but as he looked at her slowly up and down he realized. "So it's the stupid daikon." He said rolling his eyes.

"Stupid dai- Ugh it's you. Amane Yugi." Nene said in a disgusted manner. "Why the hell did I have to bump into you of all people. It's been years and I thought I'd finally never have to see you again."

"Oh please, do you think I enjoy seeing your face again? You're the one who bumped into me." Amane said annoyed.

"Whatever Yugi." Nene said rolling her eyes and turning around walking to the till to pay.

What a jerk... 

Nene thought as she walked away from him and paid for her noodles, walking out of the store. On the way it started raining. 

Oh great...

Nene got back okay but was pretty much soaked. After drying and changing into some comfy warm clothes, Nene boiled the kettle to make her noodles. As she was waiting, Aoi texted her.


~Mrs Aoi Aoi:

Mrs Aoi Aoi: Hey Nene! Sorry if you're already asleep! I was wondering if you've looked at your timetable for tomorrow's lessons! here's mine!: 

Chemistry: A1

Drama: A3

English: A2

Math: A1

Drama: A3

(Unfortunately 2 drama lessons tomorrow) :(

Nene Yashiro:

 Aww looks like we only have the same English class tomorrow... :(

Mrs Aoi Aoi: Aww really? that sucks... at least i'll see u in English tomorrow though!

Nene Yashiro:

 Oh true! Anyways, i'm kind of tired so i'm gonna eat and then go to sleep. Gn Aoi! <3

Mrs Aoi Aoi: Okay! goodnight Nene!



Nene put her phone in her pocket before pouring the water from the kettle into her noodles. As she sat down on her bed eating she thought again about what happened earlier at the 7 Eleven.

I hate you so much. Amane.

Hey guys! I finally started a tbhk fanfict! I just love amanene so much and really enjoyed making this. I know it's short but I'll keep uploading when I can. Thanks for reading! 

~ Tehya <3

&quot;I loathe you&quot;  AmaneneWhere stories live. Discover now